[rec.radio.amateur.misc] Scanning for news

lrk@k5qwb.lonestar.org (Lyn R. Kennedy) (05/29/91)

    I would like to contact anyone in the news business who is interested
in radio monitoring particularly regarding recent developments like
trunked systems, mobile data terminals, surveilance equipment, etc.

    If you are or know anyone who has such interest, please e-mail me.

                 lrk@k5qwb.lonestar.org        lrk@k5qwb.UUCP
73,              utacfd.utarl.edu!letni!kf5iw!k5qwb!lrk
Lyn Kennedy      K5QWB @ N5LDD.#NTX.TX.US.NA
                 P.O. Box 5133, Ovilla, TX, USA 75154