(Tom DeBoni) (05/01/91)
From: (Tom DeBoni) The Sisal Scientific Computing Initiative Contacts: John Feo and Dave Cann The Computing Research Group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) announces the Sisal Scientific Computing Initiative (SSCI). The Initiative will award free Cray X-MP time and support to researchers willing to develop their applications in SISAL, a functional language for parallel numerical computation. Members of the Computing Research Group will provide free educational material, training, consulting, and user services. SSCI is an outgrowth of the Sisal Language Project, a collaborative effort by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Colorado State University and funded in part by the Office of Energy Research (Department of Energy), U.S. Army Research Office, and LLNL. SISAL provides a clean and natural medium for expressing machine independent, determinate, parallel programs. The cost of writing, debugging, and maintaining parallel applications in SISAL is equivalent to the cost of writing, debugging, and maintaining sequential applications in Fortran. Moreover, the same SISAL program will run, without change, on any parallel machine supporting SISAL software. Recent SISAL compiler developments for the Alliant FX/80, Cray X-MP, and other shared memory machines have resulted in SISAL applications that run faster than Fortran equivalents compiled using automatic concurrentizing and vectorizing tools. Interested participants should submit a 1-2 page proposal by June 1, 1991 to Computing Research Group, L-306 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808 Livermore, CA 94450 Proposals should describe the research and explain how the work will benefit from parallel execution on a Cray X-MP. We will announce accepted proposals by July 1, 1991. For more information about the Sisal Scientific Computing Initiative please contact John Feo ( at (415) 422-6389 or Dave Cann ( at (415) 423-7875. We look forward to hearing from you.