[comp.sys.3b1] setting the line device in kermit

n177ac@tamuts.tamu.edu (Daryl Biberdorf) (02/08/91)

I am currently trying to set up an old version of kermit that 
resided on osu-cis at one time (version 4E(067) 14 Sep 1987)
(I am using the old version so I can get kermit working so I
can download the newer one!)

Anyway, there *is* a modemcap entry for my anchor modem (called anchor)
as well as a line in L-devices that says 'ACU tty000 anchor 9600'.  However
if I start kermit up and issue the command 'set line /dev/tty000', the
little Death Star logo that says "working" appears and never goes away.
The only keyboard input the machine will take at this point is ctrl-C

Does anyone have any clues as to what's going on?  UNIX communications
are becoming more and more of a mystery to me, and the AT&T manuals
don't seem to be organized in any logical fashion (so I don't know
where to look if indeed it's in there).

Someone please help me free myself from the evil async_main program!

--Daryl Biberdorf, n177ac@tamuts.tamu.edu   OR