[comp.sys.3b1] Logic Analyzer Printouts via 3b1

picano@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Silvio Picano) (02/28/91)

Hi, I am hoping someone may have done the following or 
could point me in the right direction.

I am trying to connect an HP logic analyzer to my AT&T PC
to get analyzer printouts of the screen.  Now the analyzer 
has an RS232C port and can be configured to use several 
handshaking protocols (e.g., Xon/Xoff).  My major concern
is the difficultly(ies) in accessing the serial port and 
writing the 'data-collecting driver routine'.

The ideal operation(?) is,
	1. HP analyzer sends data (already suited for Epson prints)
	2. the AT&T collects ALL the data (in the background, 
		interrupt driven)
	3. then, the AT&T sends the (raw) data to the printer

                     |  AT&T 7300 |
                     |  (3b1)  PC |
                      /          \
                     /            \
                 RS232C        Parallel Port
                   /                \
                  /                  \
         ----------                  -------
        | HP Logic |                | Epson |
        | Analyzer |                | fx286 |
         ----------                  -------

My documentation is scarse and not at a 'low enough' level
to accomplish this 'data-collection driver'.  I am hoping
someone may have done something similar (maybe some code??)
and can provide useful hints on doing the above.

Thanks In Advance
Silvio 						picano@ecn.purdue.edu

PS...I will summarize if I get replies.