[comp.sys.3b1] TeX on the 3b1

forrie@morwyn.UUCP (Forrie Aldrich) (04/23/91)

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask, but since it's 3b1 specific,
I thought there wouldn't be a problem:

I have gotten the files from OSU-CIS and TeX version 3.0 binaries from
elsewhere... now I'm stuck, and would appreciate it if someone could tell
me a little more about TeX, what it does, and how to make it work.

A friend of mine told me to get it... but didn't offer any info on using it.

Any help/advice would be apprecitated... this package is pretty big... I
wonder what it does! :)

Forrest Aldrich, Jr.|   ...uunet!eci!morwyn!forrie       |forrie@morywn.UUCP
                    |  ...uunet!eci!zinn!morwyn!forrie   | 
CREATIVE CONNECTIONS|...uunet!unhd!unhtel!morwyn!forrie  |Graphic Illustration
                   \___ PO Box 1541 - Dover, NH  03820 ___/                   

dlb5404@tamuts.tamu.edu (Daryl Biberdorf) (04/25/91)

In article <92@morwyn.UUCP> forrie@morwyn.UUCP (Forrie Aldrich) writes:
>I have gotten the files from OSU-CIS and TeX version 3.0 binaries from
>elsewhere... now I'm stuck, and would appreciate it if someone could tell
>me a little more about TeX, what it does, and how to make it work.

TeX is a big program created by Donald Knuth at Stanford.  It's basically
a computer typesetter that does *real* typesetting.

For more information (there's a lot), check out the TeXbook by
Knuth or the LaTeX book by Leslie Lamport.  Both are published by
Addison Wesley.  Btw, LaTeX is a bunch of macros that sit on top of
TeX that actually make it usable (I don't like plain TeX much...but
some people will vehemently disagree).  Also, TeX is pronounced 'tech',
not 'tecks'.

--Daryl Biberdorf,  dlb5404@tamuts.tamu.edu
  Texas A&M University

wwm@wa8tzg.mi.org (Bill Meahan) (04/25/91)

In article <15258@helios.TAMU.EDU> dlb5404@tamuts.tamu.edu (Daryl Biberdorf) writes:
>In article <92@morwyn.UUCP> forrie@morwyn.UUCP (Forrie Aldrich) writes:
>>I have gotten the files from OSU-CIS and TeX version 3.0 binaries from
>>elsewhere... now I'm stuck, and would appreciate it if someone could tell
>>me a little more about TeX, what it does, and how to make it work.
>TeX is a big program created by Donald Knuth at Stanford.  It's basically
>a computer typesetter that does *real* typesetting.
>For more information (there's a lot), check out the TeXbook by
>Knuth or the LaTeX book by Leslie Lamport.  Both are published by
>Addison Wesley.  Btw, LaTeX is a bunch of macros that sit on top of
>TeX that actually make it usable (I don't like plain TeX much...but
>some people will vehemently disagree).  Also, TeX is pronounced 'tech',
>not 'tecks'.
>--Daryl Biberdorf,  dlb5404@tamuts.tamu.edu
>  Texas A&M University

Much more information can be obtained from the comp.text.tex newsgroup.

BTW, there exists a version of TeX 3.1 for the 3B1 (I'm using it).
I got binaries from a private party whom I will NOT identify (no legal
problems - I just don't want his mailbox overflowing :-)

Presumably SOMEONE out there can make it widely available.  (And, no, I
can't put it on OSU because my only connection with the outside world is
by 2400-baud UUCP and the compressed cpio archive takes up 10 floppies).
Bill Meahan (WA8TZG)             |   Programming is simple:
wwm@wa8tzg.mi.org  OR            |
uunet!mailrus!sharkey!wa8tzg!wwm |   All you have to do is put the right
"Home for Cybernetic Orphans"    |   numbers in the right memory locations!