nhc@cbnewsj.att.com (n.h.chandler) (05/02/91)
I need help installing MGR. I have a 3b1/7300/UNIXpc with
4.0 Meg Ram, 40 MB HDisk, and 3.51m OS. I retrieved the
MGR files from osu and cpio'ed them to /usr/mgr. I edited
BUILD.3B1 to make INSROOT=/usr/mgr, then as 'root' executed
BUILD.3B1. Things were going along nicely until the system
tried to compile 'fast_scr.c'
Below is a part of the text I saved. Could someone (anyone!)
help me to correct the problem? I examined fast_scr.c and
believe that mc68020 code was being compiled!
cd src; \
make OTHERLIB= INSROOT=/usr/mgr 3b1 install;
INSROOT=/usr/mgr \
BLITDIR=port \
MGR=3b1_mgr \
cd port; make FLAG=-O blitlib.a
`blitlib.a' is up to date.
rm -f ../lib/blitlib.a ../lib/bitmap.h
ln `pwd`/port/blitlib.a ../lib/blitlib.a
ln `pwd`/port/bitmap.h ../lib/bitmap.h
rm -f mgr
mv 3b1_mgr _3b1_mgr
cc -O -o 3b1_mgr Write.o bitmaphead.o bitmapread.o border.o cut.o data.o debug_flags.o destroy.o do_buckey.o do_button.o do_event.o do_menu.o down_load.o erase_win.o font_subs.o get_font.o get_info.o get_menus.o get_rect.o get_text.o getshell.o graph_subs.o intersect.o kbd.o mgr.o mouse_get.o move.o move_box.o new_window.o print.o put_window.o scroll.o set_mode.o shape.o sigdata.o startup.o subs.o update.o utmp.o win_make.o win_stack.o win_subs.o write_ok.o version.o copyright.o \
echo "changed FRClibrary" >> make.log
174276 + 70160 + 11480 = 255916
ln 3b1_mgr mgr
# /dev/bwtwo0
cd /usr/mgr/bin; rm -f mgr
cp mgr /usr/mgr/bin
/etc/chown root /usr/mgr/bin/mgr && \
chmod u+s,go-w /usr/mgr/bin/mgr
for i in font icon lib demo doc menu; do \
(cd $i; echo " installing $i";\
make OTHERLIB= INSROOT=/usr/mgr install;\
cd ..);\
installing font
rm -rf ./ReMoveThisFile
touch /usr/mgr/font/ReMoveThisFile
if [ ! -f ./ReMoveThisFile ]; then \
( list=`echo .mgrc *.fnt`; cd /usr/mgr/font; rm -f $list ); \
cp .mgrc *.fnt /usr/mgr/font; \
else \
echo ">> /usr/mgr/font == current directory; no files copied"; \
>> /usr/mgr/font == current directory; no files copied
rm -rf /usr/mgr/font/ReMoveThisFile
installing icon
cd src; \
make OTHERLIB= INSROOT=/usr/mgr all install;
Assembler: fast_scr.c
aline 126 : invalid instruction name
aline 126 : syntax error
aline 129 : invalid instruction name
aline 129 : syntax error
aline 129 : illegal character
aline 129 : illegal character
aline 132 : invalid src operand, only %dn is legal
aline 135 : invalid instruction name
aline 135 : syntax error
aline 138 : invalid instruction name
aline 138 : syntax error
aline 141 : invalid src operand, only %dn is legal
aline 146 : invalid instruction name
aline 149 : invalid instruction name
aline 149 : syntax error
aline 152 : invalid instruction name
aline 152 : syntax error
aline 152 : illegal character
aline 152 : illegal character
aline 155 : invalid instruction name
aline 155 : syntax error
aline 155 : illegal character
aline 155 : illegal character
aline 158 : invalid src operand, only %dn is legal
aline 161 : invalid instruction name
aline 161 : syntax error
aline 161 : illegal character
aline 161 : illegal character
aline 164 : invalid instruction name
aline 164 : syntax error
aline 167 : invalid instruction name
Too many errors - Goodbye
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1
cp lasergrafix tjfilter rotate hp_raster /usr/mgr/bin
Make: Cannot load ./INSTALL. Stop.
*** Error code 1
Don't forget to install the mouse(nkbd) and pty drivers
Neville H. Chandler