oler@honte.uleth.ca (Cary Oler) (05/20/91)
The following has been forwarded: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi fellow 3b1'ers I (sadly) don't have direct access to any.net so a benevolent friend has been dloading the digests of the comp.sys.3b1 group to me and has offered to post inquiries for me. watta guy!!! (-: I've only recently had access to the comp.sys.3b1 group so I'm confused at some of the references made in various mail. Could someone who has followed this sig a little longer PLEASE explain some things or reference a file at an FTP site that may help. I've been using 3b1's for about 5 years and owned one for 2. I'm running version 3.0 of the os and dev-pak. 1. Does anyone know where a guy could get the 3.51 versions of the os and dev-pak?? I've seen the 3.5os for 75$us but the company wants 475$us for the 3.51 dev-pak and doesn't list a 3.51os. The doc states not to mix os and dev-pak numbers. So I'd like to keep them equal during an upgrade. 2. It appears that osu-cis keeps a large archive of att7300 files. Are there other sites that support the 3b1??? Of any sort bbs, anon uucp, ftp... ? 3. I see references to a 3.51, 3.51a (I think "a"), and a 3.51m . What is the a & m references meaning??? Are they patched versions? What is the benefit of these alternate versions??? And where can these be had ??? 4. I understand there is a starlan daemon out for the 3b1 that lets you connect to starlan controllers and use starlan cabling to attach terminals and such. Can this still be acquired??? I see people talking about 19.2k/bps problems and I read some mail a few years ago where a lad mentioned having some terminals hung off his 3b1 running at 19.2k without a hitch. Possibly this could be a solution. The only 19.2k option I've ever seen the 3b1 offer from the menu level is for a starlan connection. 5. Recent articles discussing speed upgrades to the 3b1. Most come down to the fact you can't plop in a better processor. Would faster ram be of any benefit? Can a 020 be run at 10Mhz and would (has the vmm 020 been out long??) it make any real difference in the performance of the unit? 6. In the same vein, I'd like to upgrade to a higher density drive (or 2 drives it seems) since my 67 meg is getting full. What is the largest capacity I can expect to use? How fast a drive is worthwhile spending the cash on. What manufacturers drives have been installed the easiest and worked with the least trouble. Even if you can't answer, thanx for reading this far... actually just for reading this message! :-(-: Dean Switzer crazed.hacker@large vc:403-329-3726 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replies over the Internet may be mailed to: "oler@hg.uleth.ca". All replies will be forwarded to Dean.