[comp.sys.3b1] Teac 3.5 drive jumpers

vancleef@iastate.edu (Van Cleef Henry H) (06/24/91)

A few weeks ago I asked about jumpers on a Teac 3.5 floppy, and got some
random responses ranging from "lotsa luck" to a list of jumpers for a
drive that has many more than the one I bought.

I spent some time yesterday getting mine to work.  Move the drive select
to D0, and connect across the RY pins, jumper pin 34 on (ST), and the
thing works like a champ.  

The control/data connector was installed backward from that on the 5-1/4
I removed.  Pin numbers are marked on the circuit board, be sure to get
these correct.  It also took a little creative cable folding and routing
to get the cables installed.  

A couple of things I found that I didn't see on the FAQ sheet:
To get the plastic cover with the fan and power switch off, I had to
walk around the periphery with a screwdriver to release some snap-in
tabs.  Also, when putting the top metal cover with the disks back in
place, I found that the power connector for the hard drive would jam
the back frame, needed to be lifted to allow the cover to slide all the
way back.  

I have the foundation set and development system cpio-d to the hard
disk, and now to write them out to 3.5 disks so that I can reinstall
from 3.5 if need be.  That should give me enough space to unpack mtools2
which is supposed to handle DOS 720K floppies.

Hank van Cleef  
vancleef@iastate.edu	Iowa State University, Ames. Ia.
tmn!vancleef		The Union Institute, Cincinnati, Oh.