zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) (02/08/91)
[ I got this from Glenn Nielsen, the president and programmer of ] [ Express-Way, by way of Compu$erve. He didn't put his e-mail ] [ address in the message, so call the number at the end of the ] [ post if you have any questions. ] [ -Dan ] Press Release Feb 6, 1991 Express-Way Software, Inc. has announced the release of version 1.5 of the hard disk backup and file copy utility ExpressCopy. ExpressCopy can perform hard disk backups at up to 1 megabyte per minute and creates standard DOS disks that can be used normally from both the CLI and Workbench. Blank disks can be formatted, verified, and filled with files from your hard disk in less time than it takes to format a new disk. Files to be copied can be selected by include or exclude pattern matching, datestamp, and archive bit. Either Fast File System or Normal File System backup disks can be created. Options for estimating number of disks required, verify of backup disks, warning of overwriting of DOS disks, listing of files copied to disk, creating multiple copies, and alternating between up to 4 disk drives for performing the backup. Also included is software for restoring backups to hard disk and verifying the integrity of your backup disks at any time after the backup has been completed. Major new features for version 1.5 are support for the Applied Engineering AE High Density floppy drive, addition of extensive ARexx support, and AmigaDOS 2.0 compatability. The ARexx support gives users complete control over directory and file selection for backup, and allows users to integrate ExpressCopy backups with other ARexx compatible applications. A sophisticated CanDo application is provided to take advantage of the advanced features of ExpressCopy's ARexx support. Neither ARexx or CanDo is required to use the CanDo application. The CanDo application gives the user complete control over directory and file selection for backup, and does the backup interactively. While ExpressCopy is backing up your previous file selections, you can continue to make additional selections. ExpressCopy Version 1.5 has a suggested list price of only $49.95, and the Version 1.5 update is available to registered owners of ExpressCopy for only $10.00 + $2.00 shipping & handling ($4.00 outside US & Can). Individuals who obtained ExpressCopy with their Supra hard disk can receive the update for the same fee, but must also send in the original ExpressCopy disk they received with their Supra hard disk. Express-Way Software, Inc. PO Box 10290 Columbia, MO 65205-4005 USA (314) 474-2984 -- Please see monthly postings for the disclaimer, the introduction, the charter, and submission instructions. Comments to zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu. Submissions to announce@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu. Flames to /dev/null.