[comp.sys.amiga.announce] Useful utilities for AmigaDos 2.0 available for ftp


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The following utilities are uploaded to ab20.larc.nasa.gov. These
utilities are for AmigaDOS 2.0 only and are written by Jorrit Tyberghein

incoming/amiga/WB2.0/WhatIs21.zoo :
  This is a utility that recognizes various files and dumps more
  information if possible. You can also see what libraries, resources,
  devices and fonts a program (either in executable or source form)
  uses. You can also dump all printable text from a binary file. This
  is useful to see if there are hidden messages in a program for example.
  WhatIs supports wildcards. The following files are supported :
    - IFF files (ILBM, SMUS, ANIM, FTXT, ...) in addition the complete
      listing of the IFF file is dumped.
    - executable and object files. In addition the hunks are listed.
    - Lattice PGTB files
      Some extra information is listed.
    - Zoo and Lharc files
    - DBaseIII files (used by AmigaVision)
      Some extra information is listed.
    - font header files
      Some extra information is listed.
    - GIF, TIFF, PCX and Sun Raster files are also supported. With some
      of these formats you even get additional information like the size
      and the number of colours.
    - .info files. The gadget structure is dumped.
    - Crunched data files (PowerPacker)
    - Crunched executables (PowerPacker, HQC, TNM, Relokit, ...)
    - MaxiPlan files
    - Sonix files
    - WhatIs can also dump the FileInfoBlock and the InfoData structures
      for files and devices.
    - ... (and a lot more)
    Future files that may be supported :
      dvi files (TeX), PageStream files, ProPage files, ProDraw files,
      Compugraphic font files, ...

incoming/amiga/WB2.0/Iff2Source.zoo :
  This is a utility to convert ILBM or ANIM files to C or machinelanguage
  source. Iff2Source uses the 3D look and feel design of the new
  WorkBench programs. Iff2Source is relatively fast (compared to NGI
  at least), and the program is very small (only 9K). You can also preview
  the picture in a smaller window, and you can convert multiple files at
  once. And last but not least : you can drop icons in the window which
  can then be converted.

incoming/amiga/WB2.0/Din.zoo :
  This is a library for object sharing. With this library you can share
  objects between different programs. When the object is changed by
  some owner, the owner can automatically notify all the programs linked
  to that object. This library can be used for all objects (graphics,
  text, ...). This is version 1.0.

                                  Jorrit Tyberghein

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