[comp.sys.amiga.announce] Great Lakes Area Amiga User Group

jph@ais.org (Joseph Hillenburg) (05/05/91)

=                      Great Lakes Area Amiga Users Group                     =
*                                   (GLAAUG)                                  *
=                                                                             =
*     Great Lakes Area Amiga Users Group (GLAAUG) is now operational.         *
= The mailing list is now set up. To be a GLAAUG member, you simply have to   =
* have an interest in the Amiga.                                              =
*                                                                             *
= ADMINISTRATION                                                              =
*                                                                             *
=     The current administration for GLAAUG consists of the following people: =
*                                                                             *
= jph@irie.ais.org (Joseph Hillenburg)                                        =
* kelson@irie.ais.org (David Lewis)                                           *
= sno@irie.ais.org (Steven N. Opal)                                           =
* zeeff@console.ais.org (Jon Zeeff -- Sysadmin)                               *
= jwisdom@irie.ais.org (Joseph Wisdom -- Sysadmin)                            =
*                                                                             *
= SUBSCRIPTION                                                                =
*                                                                             *
=     To subscribe to the mailing list, simply mail                           =
* gla-aug-request@irie.ais.org, specifying that you would like to join the    *
= list. I will usually have you on the list within 24 hours, at most, 3 days. =
*                                                                             *
= POSTING MESSAGES                                                            =
*                                                                             *
=     To post a message, simply mail your message to gla-aug@irie.ais.org,    =
* and it will automatically be mailed out to everyone else subscribed. I will *
= make an attempt to archive messages posted.                                 =
*                                                                             *
= --Joseph Hillenburg                                                         =

Joseph Hillenburg
Please see monthly postings for the disclaimer, the introduction, the charter,
and submission instructions.  Comments to zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu.
MAIL ALL SUBMISSIONS TO announce@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu (don't auto-post).