[comp.sys.amiga.reviews] ADMIN: Official apology for the delay.

honp9@menudo.uh.edu (Jason L. Tibbitts III) (01/23/91)

I feel that I owe it to all of the UseNet readers out there to at least
offer up an official apology.  I know that it has in the eyes of many,
taken way too long to get this group up and running.  I guess that it's
just what happens when you get a Unix neophyte (I received ny Unix
account at about the same time as the second call for votes went out)
and a bunch of problems, both with the site and the newsgroup creation
process, together.  I'm making kludges like mad, but the articles
should be making it out now.

Again, I take the blame, but it's fixed now.  Let the articles flow.

Jason L. Tibbitts III  | Moderator: comp.sys.amiga.reviews
"Blob Shop Programmers:| Send submissions to HONP9@menudo.uh.edu
 Because We're Bored!" | Check comp.sys.amiga.reviews for submissions
Disclaimer: Opinions...| guide, disclaimers, etc.               Fnord.