[uw.chinese] CND Special, Feb. 14

Bo Chi <chi@vlsi> (02/14/91)

           * * *  C H I N A   N E W S   D I G E S T  * * *

                      (CND Canada Service)

                          Feb. 14, 1991

Table of Contents
                                                             # of Lines
1. News About Chinese Characters on Computers .................. 108
1. News About Chinese Characters on Computers
Editor's Note:  Only ten or fifteen years ago was computer so remote
      to ordinary people, but nowadays it has become a part of our life.
      Computer based word-processing and E-mail communication has been
      so important to us today.  Unfortunately, God did not favor the
      complex Chinese characters.  Telecommunication in Chinese language
      appeared far more difficult than that in English.  Knowing the
      importance of today's E-mail communication, it is not difficult
      for us to imagine how great it would be if one day the E-mail
      communication in Chinese language can become a common practice
      for our countrymen.  CND is actively involved in promoting such
      practice and activities.

          Associated with CND, there is currently an open discussion
      list called "Chinese Computing".  Interested readers are encouraged
      to subscribe to the list.  (See information at the end.)  In
      this package we also enclosed an introductory article about
      the Byx series, a good Chinese word-processing software.  CND is a
      non-profit news service and does not carry commercial advertisement.
      We publish this article only for promoting word-processing and
      telecommunication in Chinese language.

          This article is provided by the distributors of BYX word-processor
      in Canada.

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             A Chinese Word Processing and Desktop Publishing
                Software Series (Xia4-li3-ba1-ren2 or BYX)

     XIA-LI-BA-REN (BYX 2.0, 2.1) is a Chinese word processor with publishing
quality laser printing, developed by several Chinese natives in U.S.A.
     As the name indicates, the software is intended for EVERYBODY. However,
its performance is very much yang2-chun1-bai2-xue3.
     BYX 2.0 used Guo Biao (GB) as internal code. It can mix Chinese and
English (ASCII standard).
     The following are some features of the software:

*  Pin-Yin input plus WHOLE sentence Pin-Yin inputs. The input is tone
   sensitive, though optional.  You needn't remember any special key
   definition.  To input a Chinese word, you just type in its Pin Yin.
*  Complete editing functions, such as cut, paste, search, replace, visit
   another file, etc.. Especially, there is on-Line help, (both key-to-
   function, and function-to-key).
*  Display fonts can be either simplified form (Jian3 Ti3) or complicate
   form (Fan2 Ti3).  Font switch is done by one key-stroke.
*  For printing, LaserJet, and Dot matrix printers are supported. Printing
   fonts: SONG4, FANG3 SONG4, KAI3 and HEI1 TI3 (in Jian3 Ti3 and Fan2 Ti3)
   with different sizes 16X16, 24X24, 64X64, and 128X128. Print functions
   include centering, font-changing, auto-paging, right and left justification
   and multi-column page layout.
*  The new BYX 2.1 provides with scalable fonts so that a large portion of
   hard disk storage for the font libraries can be saved. Also, print preview
   function will be included soon. as well as PostScript printer drivers.
*  Fastest speed, and highest screen usage efficiency. This is important for
   people who write without paper manuscript.
*  Can mix Chinese with English and send edited files through network with
   some encoding/decoding program. (something is still needed to be done.
   A hot discussion about transmitting Chinese via E-mail is undertaking.)
*  Keyboard definition is User modifiable, which to our knowledge is
   unique among Chinese Softwares.
*  Has macro capability.
*  User definable abbreviation. (use a few letters for a commonly used string
   or a whole block of text).
*  Dictionary user modifiable. (you can add new words or delete unwanted words)
*  Broad hardware compatibility. Can be used with CGA, EGA, VGA and
   Hercules graphics display.
*  Does not require (neither include) any special hardware.
   Does not require (neither include) any special operating system, works
   with Dos 2.0 & up,
*  No Terminate-but-Stay-Resident Programs so that you needn't reboot your
   machine after using BYX.
*  No hidden codes.
*  Updating service is provided. Hard disk is required.

The following lists the prices for different packages of BYX 2.1.

1. Basic Package                                      $69.00  (US fund)
2. Enhanced Package (Jian3 Ti3) (laser printing)      $189.00 (US fund)
3. Enhanced Package (Fan2 Ti3)  (laser printing)      $189.00 (US fund)
4. Complete Enhanced Package (package 2 + package 3)  $259.00 (US fund)

For further information about BYX, in Canada, please send e-mail to
IN%"SONGWN@MCMASTER.CA" or call Mr. Li at (416) 572-7758. They can send
you a detailed specification and a sample of high quality laser printout.
They are authorized to distribute the software in Canada. They will answer
your questions too.

Also you could contact the developers:
Yan Yong-xin (415)-526-2576 (CA. USA) (Pacific time)
Zhao San-Ping:(617)424-1592 (New York)(Eastern time)

Appendix:  To subscribe to "Chinese Computing" discussion list?
           send an E-mail to the address  listserv@uga.bitnet  with
           one line:     sub ccnet-l   first-name  last-name
           Note:  the mail body should contain only one line.