(Greg Montgomery) (05/22/91)
My friend purchased (with my help), a Colt drop-in for his AR-15. This allows the rifle to shoot 22 bullets insted of its normal load. The problem is that the 22 is not powerfull enough to knock the bolt back enough for repeated fire. The drop-in was made by Colt, and it should work based on the fact that the AR-15 is also Colt. Does someone out there in Netland have some advice on how to overcome this problem? (Donald R Newcomb) (05/26/91)
After an embarrassing performance at the last Highpower match I fired, I have decided that I need a LOT of practice in standing and sitting. I usually shoot an AR15-A2 HBAR and was thinking about getting a .22 cal rimfire conversion kit for this purpose. I don't know too much about them and need some information: 1. Do any provide adequate accuracy for target practice? 2. Do any use a floating chamber to provide a centerfire like recoil? 3. Is magazine feeding and change reliable enough to simulate a rapid fire string? Please CC: my address in your response. I don't always catch up with rec.guns before the queue gets flushed. Donald Newcomb [MODERATOR: Get some cheap surplus ammo in 5.56 and practice with that. Accuracy comes from doing the same thing every time, and not having to deal with the characteristic sounds and feel of 5.56 will cause you to do subtly different things. Now, if what you want to pick up is some trigger control or basics of sighting, then any good rifle with comparable sights will be of use to you. Otherwise, practice with what you intend to shoot. I *do* own a Colt conversion kit, btw. Most useful for when I take novices out to the range to help them get an education about what legislation applies to. But the point of aim is very different from the 5.56 loads, and it is not robust (gets dirty and jams fairly easily).] (Gary Trouette) (05/29/91)
BTW, I already own a Colt conversion kit to .22, but the 11 round mag is rather small. Does anyone know of someplace to get a larger capacity mag? I've seen Atchinson conversions, but I'd rather not pay another $100. Thanks (Don Meyer) (05/30/91) (Gary Trouette) writes:
#BTW, I already own a Colt conversion kit to .22, but the 11
#round mag is rather small. Does anyone know of someplace to
#get a larger capacity mag? I've seen Atchinson conversions,
#but I'd rather not pay another $100. Thanks
Quality Parts Co. carries 30 round magazines for the Colt 22kit, as well as
the "Atchinson" conversions and magazines. I think the price was something
like $35 for the Colt replacement, $99 for 3.
their phone number is: 800-223-SWAT
Don Meyer internet:
"He who restricts another's right to self-defense is accomplice to
any crime committed because of the lack of self defense."