[rec.guns] Norinco's phone number/address?

MKIELSKY%FAB6@sc.intel.com (Michael Kielsky, SWmerc) (06/14/91)

Does anyone out there have an address or preferably a phone number for Norinco?

Do they still have an office in the U.S.?

I would expect them to be somewhere on the west coast, most likely CA, and 
probably L.A. or S.F.


Thanks in advance...

-- Michael Kielsky
 Internet: mkielsky%fab6@sc.intel.com  OR  mkielsky@fab6.intel.com
 Alternet: agmgk@acvax.inre.asu.edu    OR  "acvax::agmgk"@envmsa.eas.asu.edu
   BITnet: agmgk@asuacvax.bitnet
 Optionet: kielsky@envmsa.eas.asu.edu
Postalnet: 1339.E.Donner.Dr.%Tempe.AZ.85282-7217@USA
  AT&Tnet: 602:839.0818 (H)  OR  602:554-2677 (W)
  PAGEnet: 602:450.1413
  SCUDnet: 33:29:52 N 111:59:41 W