(Coffee: Nature's Productivity Tool 21-Jun-1991 0915) (06/22/91)
For those who don't regularly follow the firearms politics, here are two pieces of news that should chill you to the bone. Note that there is still time to call your senators about S. 1241! As usual, followup discussion should be directed to talk.politics.guns or the firearms-politics mailing list. Hal ============================================================================= Neal Knox Update (June 20) -- After a full day of desultory floor debate on the Biden Crime bill, S. 1241, and furious behind-the-scenes negotiating, the Senate voted 56-40 early this evening against substituting a modified version of the Bush crime bill. The Bush/Thurmond substitute had dropped the original bill's magazine ban and registration provision, as well as the original section allowing illegally seized firearms to be used as evidence. Failure of the substitute leaves all six gun sections in the Biden bill, but there will be one or more votes trying to take them out, either entirely or with a Staggers-type amendment. The delay gives you and your friends time to contact your Senators. There will be debate tomorrow and Monday on various amendments, but there will be no votes until 11 a.m. Tuesday when Sen. Thurmond will begin trying to substitute the three main sections of the Bush crime bill: death penalty, exclusionary rule and habeas corpus reform. The initial rejection of the Bush bill raises the question whether President Bush will veto the crime package. It depends upon how much of his bill he might get. If it includes most of what he wants I have no doubt he would sign it, including the gun sections. But I doubt that he will get everything he wants. The NRA has informed the Senate that it considers the six major firearms section in S. 1241, the Biden bill, to be "the most comprehensive and restrictive anti-gun legislation since the 1968 Gun Control Act." I agree. Title VII of S. 1241 is the DeConcini ban on 14 military-style semi-automatic firearms, including the Colt AR-15 used in the National Matches. Those guns differ only cosmetically from popular semi-auto hunting rifles. If they can be banned, all guns can be banned. Title XII, Subtitle C bans over-15-round magazines, requires registration of all such mid-capacity rifle or pistol magazines. Title XXVII, the Mitchell/Brady bill is the House-passed Brady 7- day waiting period plus cash inducements for states to enact legislation requiring background checks. If a person is wrongfully denied permission to buy a handgun, there is no provision for appeal, and there is a new section prohibiting local law enforcement officers from being held liable for their actions. Title XII, Sec. 1237, requires that BATF be notified when two or more handguns are purchased within 30 days, instead of the present five days. Further, local law enforcement would also have to be notified of those purchases, without any restrictions on how that information may be used. Title XII, Sec. 1223 allows a person to be held without trial on even minor or technical firearms violations. Title XII Sec. 1245 expands the list of those prohibited from firearms ownership to include many misdemeanor offenses, even some property crimes, no matter how many years since the conviction. I urge you to call your Senator at (202) 224-3121. Insist that he vote against any version of the crime bill containing these anti- gunowner measures. ------------------------ On June 13 House Crime Subcommittee Chairman Charles Schumer (D- N.Y.) held a "hearing" to protest the BATF's approval for importing semi-auto sporting rifles that are only "cosmetically different" from the military-style rifles on which they are based. Rep. Steve Schiff (R-N.M.) fired back that "cosmetic differences" are the only thing that distinguishes between non-importable gas-operated, detachable box magazine, semi-automatic "assault weapons" and functionally identical conventional hunting rifles. Rep. Schumer grumbled that the only way to ban "assault weapons" was to ban all semi-autos, which is what was advocated by police officer Neil Carr of Philadelphia. Schumer made it quite clear in a committee report last November that the Brady Bill is merely the first of a series of gun laws that he plans to ram through the 102nd Congress. His major immediate target, the report states, is elimination of the prohibition against BATF using dealer sales information to create a centralized national registration system. ............................................................................. Hal Berenson Home: OR oldcolo! Work: -- Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are my own, not my employer's! If I happen to communicate with you from work rather than home, its just for convenience (just like asking for a "daytime phone number") and should not be construed as representing the views of my employer or its employees, officers, directors, or stockholders. -- (Phil Howard KA9WGN) (06/22/91)
Somewhere along the line from congresscritter to usenet, someone is getting copies of these bills, such as S. 1241. What I'd like to know is if anyone is able to scan in, edit and correct, and if not post, at least make available by server somewhere, the full copy of the bill text, including all statutory changes referenced. I feel I could do a better job of contacting my congresscritters if I had actual text. I would prefer writing a letter explaining how a particular wording or statute might be bad, as opposed to simply saying "I am opposed to such and such section". I want to arguatively discuss the very nature of what the laws are, and for that I certainly need the text. Pointers on other ways to get the text besides through the congresscritters office would be useful as well. -- /***************************************************************************\ / Phil Howard -- KA9WGN -- | Guns don't aim guns at \ \ Lietuva laisva -- Brivu Latviju -- Eesti vabaks | people; CRIMINALS do!! / \***************************************************************************/