[comp.multimedia] controlling M-Motion with Turbo Pascal

milne@ics.uci.edu (Alastair Milne) (05/11/91)

   Some of you may have seen my previous postings here, and may remember
   that I am writing a Turbo Pascal 5.0 / 6.0 unit to run IBM's M-Motion Video
   adapter/A through their M-Control program.

   In general it has been going very well, but some time ago, I was looking
   for help in correctly disabling the WakeUp routine when closing down.
   My problem was that, although the WakeUp routine itself was correctly
   used while activated, I was finding that the next application to use
   M-Control was crashing when M-Control tried to use what it thought
   was a WakeUp routine at the old address.  i.e. deactivation of the WakeUp
   routine was not being successfully completed.

   It seems I have solved that.

   There is a table in the manual which states which commands will cause
   an available WakeUp routine to be used for their replies, and which will
   not.  Naturally, commands that deactivate the WakeUp routine do not attempt
   to use it to return their replies.  However, I misread it to mean that
   those commands don't return *any* replies.  (I believe there are indeed
   a couple of M-Control commands which don't cause replies to return.)
   In my own defense, this was rather an easy misreading to make.

   Once I eliminated the exceptional way I was handling the command that
   removed the WakeUp routine, and did it the way all other commands
   are handled (a single routine that sends the command and waits for the
   reply) it started working properly.

   Though I didn't think of it clearly at the time, the manual does indicate
   that until M-Control knows the reply to a command has been read, it does
   not complete any state change that command may cause.  It is emphatic
   about this in the case of STOP, which perhaps led me to forget about it
   in other cases.

   For anybody else exploring Turbo Pascal implementations of M-Control
   applications, I have this advice:
   - FIRST, make sure you have routines working which poll the destination
     status variable (for *all* destinations) and grab every incoming reply
     as it appears.  I call mine in the process of waiting for a particular
     reply, and queue any others that come in;
   - SECOND, build your WakeUp routine.
   Why this order?  Because as soon as you deactivate the WakeUp routine,
   you'll be *very* glad when your reading routine can use polling to
   receive all further replies.  This may be self evident to many, but
   since I had to find it out by experience, I expect there may be others
   who do too.

   (This probably also applies to languages other than Pascal, but since
   Pascal is the one I'm working in, I won't presume to say what others need.)

   Finally: though we Pascal people seem to be rare beasts in the M-Media
   world, I have had a few replies that show I am not at all unique.
   So I want to encourage those people who are using Turbo Pascal:
   I have already written 2 or 3 applications -- small utilities mostly --
   on top of my multimedia unit, and it is working great.  Especially so
   now that the WakeUp routine is working -- a number of responses that
   used to get missed and leave a display incomplete are now unfailingly

   Alastair Milne