[comp.multimedia] ACM Hypertext 91 - Call for POSTERS

perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu (Gary Perlman) (06/27/91)

                        A C M   H y p e r t e x t ' 9 1
                               San Antonio, Texas
                              December 15-18, 1991

                         POSTER SUBMISSION INFORMATION
                          (please circulate and post)


              Submission Deadline: Postmarked by August 25, 1991

	Contents of this File:
		[1] GOALS 
		[4] SUBMIT TO 
		[5] LIMITS 

Hypertext'91 is an international research conference on hypertext.  The ACM
Hypertext Conference occurs in the United States every second year in
alternation with ECHT, the European Conference on Hypertext.  Hypertext
systems provide computer support for locating, gathering, annotating, and
organizing information.  Hypertext systems are being designed for
information collections of diverse material in heterogeneous media, hence
the alternate name, hypermedia. 

Hypertext is by nature multi-disciplinary, involving researchers in many
fields, including computer science, cognitive science, rhetoric, and
education, as well as many application domains.  This conference will
interest a broad spectrum of professionals in these fields ranging from
theoreticians through behavioral researchers to systems researchers and
application developers.  The conference will offer technical events in a
variety of formats as well as guest speakers and opportunities for
information special interest groups. 

Poster presentations will allow researchers to present late-breaking results,
significant work in progress, or work that is best presented in conversation.
Poster sessions let conference attendees exchange ideas one-on-one with authors
and let authors discuss their work in more detail than in a paper presentation.

[1] GOALS =====================================================================
Posters will be accepted much later than papers and will provide an opportunity
to present and get feedback on new or developing ideas.  System developers
might want to contact Amy Pearl (pearl@eng.sun.com, 415-960-1300) about
submitting a demonstration proposal instead or in addition to a poster.

[2] SELECTION CRITERIA ========================================================
Posters will be reviewed by a panel of subject-matter experts and will be
selected on the basis of their contribution to research or practice.

[3] SUBMISSION FORMAT =========================================================
Submit a cover page with:
 * title of the proposed poster
 * name and affiliation of the author(s)
 * complete contact information (including phone, fax, and email)
   for one contact person to whom correspondence will be addressed
Also submit an extended abstract of at most two typewritten pages describing:
 * the problem,
 * what was done, and
 * why the work is important.
Graphic displays can be appended to the two-page limit.
Electronic submission is preferred.  Include a "Subject:" line in the form:
	Subject: HT91 POSTER: title of your proposed poster

[4] SUBMIT TO =================================================================
	Gary Perlman
	Department of Computer and Information Science
	Room 228, Bolz Hall
	The Ohio State University
	2036 Neil Avenue Mall
	Columbus, OH 43210-1277 USA

	Email:  perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu
	Phone:  614-292-2566
	Fax:    614-292-9021

[5] LIMITS ====================================================================
 * Because of the interactive nature of poster presentations,
   only one submission will be accepted per author.
 * All submissions must be postmarked by August 25, 1991.
   Overseas submissions should consider express mail if submitting late;
   sometimes, overseas mail takes more than two weeks.
 * There is a limit of two typewritten pages for submissions.
   Figures can be appended to these pages.

[6] ANSWERS TO COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS =======================================

Q:	Will the posters be published as part of the proceedings?
A:	No, but abstracts of the posters will be available at the conference.
	Posters will be technical "presentations" but not "publications".
	Some posters might make good papers for the SIGLINK newsletter,
	or other outlets.

Q:	How many posters will be accepted?
A:	The program and conference committees have allocated space for 25-40.
	The actual number accepted will not exceed the larger number, but we
	will not feel compelled to accept posters to fill the space.
	We want to have high quality posters as part of the technical program.

Q:	When, where, how, etc. will the posters be displayed?
A:	Several large meeting rooms have been reserved in the conference hotel.
	The conference committee and the posters chair have taken special
	care to provide ample room for people to walk through the posters.
	Each poster will be provided with a cork-board, table, and chair.
	   cork board:  8' x 4' (2.44 m x 1.22 m)
	   table:       8 x 15" (2.44 m x 0.38 m)
	   chair:       4 legs (.004 kilolegs)
	Pushpins will be provided, but electrical outlets will not.
Name:  Gary Perlman               | Computer and Information Science Department
Email: perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu | Ohio State University, 228 Bolz Hall
Phone: 614-292-2566               | 2036 Neil Avenue Mall
Fax:   614-785-9837 or 292-9021   | Columbus, OH 43210-1277  USA