[comp.lang.vhdl] Parallel I/O & file optimizations

jxw@fas.ri.cmu.edu (John Willis) (02/01/91)

I agree completely with Dave Barton's observation that a single
file declaration cannot be visible to more than one VHDL process.
A model author can however write code resulting in more than one
elaborated file declaration with the same file_logical_name.  To
make matters more complex, the same file may be opened using an
infinite variety of textually unique, functionally equivalent file 
names such as "P4.srec", "./P4.srec", "/usr/xxx/design/P4.srec" ...
In several network file systems, even the inode number can vary.

Unfortunately, I believe that the problem of concurrent read or 
write operations on the same file exists and is non-trivial to
solve completely.  Hopefully model authors will avoid writing code
which tickles this ambiguity.


Designers often initialize memories of various kinds, sometimes
with contents which are known when a model is compiled and will
not change over many simulation runs.  Consider an address decode
PROM initialized from an ASCII file in srecord format.  A function
reads in a file "P4.srec", line-by-line, and initializes either a
static array or dynamically allocated storage.

Some interactive VHDL tools must execute this code every time the
simulation runs or force the user to externally translate the 
srecord file (in the example above) into a VHDL package format.
I believe that the system Dave Barton works with operates in this
fashion.  Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that such
tools re-elaborate prior to each simulation run.

In cases where a design is compiled once and simulated many times
such that simulation performance is critical, it is very useful to
do as much elaboration as possible during compilation.  What I am
looking for is a standard means by which the model author can say:
the contents of this file are known when the model is compiled;
execute the read operation once during compilation rather than many
times during successive simulation runs.  The benefits of such a
comilation technique are at least four-fold:
- memory loads need not be externally converted, eliminating a
  possibly out-of-date intermediate file format.
- knowledge of memory initialization allows further optimization
  of the simulation code during compilation.
- simulation start-up need not include execution of code to
  initialize memory.
- proprietary files need not be made visible to all simulation
For simulation users interested in a highly-interactive simulation
of a frequently altered-model (perhaps once per simulation run), the
suggested optimization is probably not useful.

I hope this clarifies the original question; any suggestions short of
supplying a distinct library with this functionality?
