carpent@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Todd Carpenter) (02/12/91)
Here is some excellent information that Larry Maturo sent to me in response to an earlier post. Parts of this are probably worth putting in the monthly posting. From: (Larry Maturo) Subject: Re: VHDL Math packages Below is some information I found laying around on both public-domain VHDL and ADA. Hope it helps. USERS GUIDE TO VHDL-SW July 1987 1. INTRODUCTION This guide is a road map to both the VHDL Repository and the VHDL-SW mailing list for members of VHDL-SW. It provides the following information: 1. Introduction 2. How to Use the VHDL-SW Mailing List 3. An Overview of the VHDL Repository 4. Useful Documentation 5. Statement of Operation of the VHDL Repository 6. How to Access the VHDL Repository 7. How to Submit to the VHDL Repository 7.1 Overview and guidelines 7.2 The Prolog text 7.3 An Example 8. How to Acquire a Tape of the VHDL Repository VHDL-SW is both a mailing list and a VHDL archive. By being a member of VHDL-SW, you can communicate with other VHDL users on the mailing list and have direct access to the VHDL archives. The VHDL-SW mailing list is used to announce new items as they are placed in the VHDL Repository as well as support communication on VHDL-related topics. The VHDL repository is used to archive and disseminate information, hardware descriptions, and (potent- ially) VHDL compilers and tool code to interested professionals in the hardware design community. Announcements about new additions and changes to the VHDL Repository are made over the VHDL-SW mailing list. The VHDL Repository is a collection of voluntarily-contributed files located in the VHDL parent directory on the SIMTEL20 host computer. SIMTEL20 is located at White Sands Missile Range and is available to any user of the Defense Data Network (DDN). The files in the VHDL Repository can be acquired via FTP by DDN users and via magtape by all others. All items distributed through this repository are in the public domain. 2. How to Use the VHDL-SW Mailing List 2.1 Initial Request The VHDL-SW electronic mailing list exists for those who are inter- ested in discussing VHDL issues with other professionals and to provide information on and assistance in accessing and contributing software to the VHDL Repository on SIMTEL20. To subscribe to this mailing list, send a request via electronic mail to: VHDL-SW-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA 2.2 Use of the Mailing List The mailing list serves two purposes: to help exchange information between the repository users and to mail repository submissions to the maintainer of the VHDL Repository for inclusion in the archives. You will automatically receive messages from other members of the list. If you desire to send a message to the list, use your mail program to create your message and mail it to VHDL-SW@SIMTEL20.ARPA Your message will then be automatically sent to all other members of the list. 2.3 Message Archiving All messages sent over the VHDL-SW mailing list are archived in a file on SIMTEL20. If you want to review old messages, retrieve the file PS:<ARCHIVES.VHDL-SW>VHDL-SW-ARCHIV.TXT This file contains all recent messages passed over the VHDL-SW mailing list. New users on the list are invited to get a copy of this file and scan it for background messages of interest; experienced users may use it for reference. But be forewarned: this is a BIG file! Older messages are not saved in VHDL-SW-ARCHIVE.TXT, but are stored in similar files identified by date. Thus, PS:<ARCHIVES.VHDL-SW>VHDL-SW.ARCHIVE.ymmdd contains older messages by year/month/day. 3. An Overview of the VHDL Repository The repository provides a free source for VHDL descriptions and information. By employing the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program, users of DDN hosts are able to scan the directories of the repository and trans- fer files to their hosts. The VHDL Repository is divided into several subdirectories. These directories are organized by topic, and their names and a brief overview of their topics are contained in the file DIRLIST.DOC in PD:<VHDL.GENERAL>. The VHDL Repository on SIMTEL20 serves two basic roles: to promote the exchange and use (reusability) of VHDL descriptions and models and to promote VHDL education (specifically by providing several working examples of programs in source form for people to study and modify). All members of the VHDL community are encouraged to freely extract information and programs from the repository as well as make contributions to it. There are no restrictions to access and use of the items in the VHDL Repository other than respecting the constraints of copy- righted software and hardware descriptions and to not unlawfully restrict use of the routines as obtained from others. Be aware that all code and hardware descriptions in the repository are available "as is." 4.0 Useful Documentation A very useful book exists entitled "The Ada Software Repository and the Defense Data Network: A Resource Handbook" written by Richard Conn and published by N. Y. Zoetrope, Inc. This book contains an extensive set of hints and resource notes on the Defense Data Network and the Ada Repository. Because the VHDL Repository is operated on the same model as the Ada Reposi- tory, and because one of the VHDL Repository administrators is also the Ada Repository administrator, information in this book related to the Ada Repo- sitory is also pertinent to the VHDL Repository. You are encouraged to use this book to provide additional details not covered in this guide. The VHDL language currently exists in two forms: 1. Version 7.2 as developed by Intermetrics, Inc., IBM, and Texas Instruments under contract to DoD 2. An incompatible yet intimately related version currently being standardized by the IEEE. VHDL Version 7.2 is described in a) Intermetrics, Inc. "VHDL Language Reference Manual - Version 7.2," 1986. b) Intermetrics, Inc. "A VHDL Tutorial," 1986. c) Intermetrics, Inc. "A Reference for the VHDL," 1986. The IEEE version of VHDL is described in a) IEEE, "The VHDL Language Reference Manual," IEEE Draft Standard P1076, 1987. b) CLSI, Inc., "A Tutorial of the IEEE VHDL," 1987. 5. Statement of Operation of the VHDL Repository The VHDL Repository on SIMTEL20 (and a related tape copy service) are unfunded activities and have been so since Richard Conn, as a result of conversations with Harold Carter, proposed the idea to Frank Wancho in July, 1987. The disk drive on which the repository is sharing space with other collections is funded by the Logistics System Support Activity (LSSA), an Army Materiel Command (AMC, formerly DARCOM) activity. LSSA provided the funds for the disk drive to support the UNIX/C collection for the AMC community, which, because of the availability via ANONYMOUS FTP on DDN, is available to the entire DDN community. The VHDL Repository resides on SIMTEL20 because there happens to be space available on that disk drive. SIMTEL20 is owned and operated by the Computer Systems Directorate at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, which is an Installation/Field Operating Activity (I/FOA) under the Test and Eval- uation Command (TECOM) at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. TECOM is, in turn, a major subordinate command under AMC. AMC is a major command under the Department of the Army. Harold Carter is the maintainer of the VHDL Repository with support from Richard Conn who also maintains the VHDL-SW electronic mailing list. Frank Wancho is the sponsor of the VHDL Repository and runs the tape distribution service. Richard, Harold, and Frank work on a voluntary, unfunded basis. The VHDL Repository is not associated with either the VHDL Program Office or the VHSIC Program Office. All software, documentation, and other items of information in the VHDL Repository are in the public domain. 6. How to access the VHDL Repository The contents of the VHDL Repository are organized in a number of different ways to make finding software and documentation easier for the user of the repository. The following summarizes the information sources. 6.1 User's Guide The User's Guide is a text file which is sent along with a welcome message to all new subscribers to the VHDL-SW electronic mailing list. The guide contains introductory material on the VHDL Repository, the operation and use of the VHDL Repository, and the Defense Data Net- work. The User's Guide is stored in the text file PD:<VHDL.GENERAL>VUSERS.DOC 6.2 Logging on SIMTEL20 To examine filenames and extract files from the VHDL Repository, you must use the FTP program available on your local host. Execute FTP SIMTEL20.ARPA to connect to SIMTEL20 over the Arpanet. Once connected to SIMTEL20, log on as "anonymous" and give any combination of characters as the password. If SIMTEL20 accepts your id and password, you are logged on and can obtain directory dislays, change to desired directories, and download files. 6.3 Simple Directory Displays FTP can provide most users with a directory display of all files in any of the archives in the VHDL Repository. While executing FTP on your local host, type "ls" or "dir" (or something similar on your particular version of FTP) to obtain a file listing of any directory you wish to see. You can also change to a different local directory on SIMTEL20 by using "cd" (or something similar) while executing FTP. 6.4 Downloading files FTP permits one to download text or binary files to a local host. The FTP command "get" (or something similar) is used to accomplish this task. You are encouraged to review your local documentation on FTP for further details on this command. 6.5 Additional Information Additional detailed information is contained in the following files on SIMTEL20: PD:<ADA.GENERAL>FTP.DOC -- introduction to FTP and file transfer PD:<ADA.GENERAL>UUCP-BIT.DOC -- accessing via UUCP and BITNET 6.6 Online Documentation System 6.6.1 Introduction A complete online documentation system exists on SIMTEL20 which can be downloaded to your local host for use by you and your fellow users. The system provides executable code (written in Ada) which implements a menu- driven help capability. The online help files provide a brief description of each VHDL module stored in the repository. It also provides assistance on the use of the repository and other pertinent information. 6.6.2 ONLINE-DOC data base The directory PD:<VHDL.ONLINE-DOC> contains a data base for the online documentation system. PD:<ADA.ONLINE-DOC> contains the source code (in Ada) to the programs which allow you to manipulate this data base and instructions on installing these programs and the data base for use on your host computer. Download the PD:<ADA.ONLINE-DOC> files to your local host, read the documentation file, and compile the executable programs. You then need to download the PD:<VHDL.ONLINE-DOC> files which contain the help text information (in the form of a simple data base) used by the executable programs. When you execute these programs, you are querying the help data base which gives you data on each directory in the repository. This data includes a brief description of the directory, a listing of its contents with file sizes, and descriptions of each program and piece of software in the directory. The data base may be copied from SIMTEL20 from time to time as more VHDL description code is added to the repository. 6.7 Prologue Files Each piece of software has an associated PROLOGUE file of type PRO (e.g., EXAMPLEIO.PRO) which contains the VHDL Repository standard header. See Section 7 below or PD:<VHDL.GENERAL>PROLOGUE.DOC for more information. 6.8 The PD:<VHDL.GENERAL> directory The files in PD:<VHDL.GENERAL> contain information on what is in the VHDL Repository, how to access and use the VHDL Repository, and other items of interest to the community. 7. How to Submit to the VHDL Repository 7.1 Overview To submit one or more VHDL descriptions to the VHDL Repository you must submit at least two files for each analyzable description. One is the .PRO file which describes the entity or package, and the other is the .VHD file which contains the actual VHDL source description. If you have never submitted a file to the VHDL Repository before, or, if it has been a while since you have done so, then 1. Obtain the following files, via FTP or otherwise, from the PD:<VHDL.GENERAL> subdirectory to your host computer: SUBMIT.DOC -- latest submission instructions PROLOGUE.PRO -- prologue for you to edit SAMPLE.PRO -- a sample prologue 2. Read SUBMIT.DOC (this file). This is the current set of submission instructions. 3. Edit PROLOGUE.PRO as per these instructions. 4. Rename the edited PROLOGUE.PRO as filename.PRO, where filename your name for the file. All files associated with a submission should contain a maximum of thirteen characters (a nine-character name, a period, and a three-character suffix, like MYFILE.TXT). The first six characters must be unique, and the first two or three characters of all files should be the same so that they will be grouped together when displayed by the online documentation system. Only letters and digits may be used in file names, and the first character must be a letter. Consult with the maintainer of the VHDL Repository (at VHDL-SW-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA) before naming your files so that you can pick a 2-3 char prefix that is different from those already selected. Examples of good file names: MYFILE.TXT SOMETHING.DOC ENTITY12.D ARCH1. DOCUMENT.P01 Examples of invalid file names: MY_FILE.TXT -- contains a char other than letter or digit THISISATEST.DOC -- too long ENTITY.DOC ENTITY1.DOC -- grouped together, first six chars are not unique Example of a good submission: EX.PRO -- PROLOGUE file EX.VHD -- VHDL description file EX.DOC -- documentation file (optional) EXREAD.ME -- read me file (optional) This example of filenames is correct because 1) all file names are valid and 2) all file names begin with the same first 2 or 3 characters (a command like DIR EX*.* will pick them up) 5. Transmit all files to SIMTEL20. Consult with the maintainer of the VHDL Repository via VHDL-SW-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA for the best way to do this (i.e., tape, FTP, or email) 7.2 Instructions for Editing PROLOGUE.VHD Refer to the format given in Section 7.3 or the example in Section 7.4 while reading this section. 1. UNIT NAME: Type in the name of the VHDL analysis unit (i.e., entity, architecture, configuration, or package). Use any format you desire. 2. VERSION: Enter a version number in any format you desire. 3. AUTHOR: Enter your name. Your mailing address, phone number, etc, are also acceptable. 4. DDN ADDRESS: Enter your DDN electronic mailing address. 5. COPYRIGHT: Enter a copyright entry. SAMPLE.PRO shows a good example. Only public domain software is accepted in the VHDL Repository. 6. DATE CREATED: Date analyzable unit created. 7. RELEASE DATE: Date analyzable unit released to the VHDL Repository. 8. LAST UPDATE: Enter updates in the following format (see SAMPLE.PRO): NAME_OF_PERSON_MAKING_UPDATE DATE 9. VHDL VERSION: Enter the version of VHDL used to analyze and/or simulate the description. 10. MACHINE/SYSTEM ANALYZED/SIMULATED ON: Enter the computer on which the software was analyzed and/or simulated and state what VHDL analyzer was used. If you foresee a transportability problem due to machine dependencies, please state. 11. KEYWORDS: Enter keywords or phrases which may be used to categorize your submission. 12. ABSTRACT: Summarize the function of the VHDL description. 13. REVISION HISTORY: Enter an "Initial Release" entry here. See SAMPLE.PRO for an example. 14. DISTRIBUTION AND COPYRIGHT: Edit this per your needs. 7.3 The PROLOGUE The following comment statements are to be submitted in a .PRO file along with each VHDL analyzable unit. -------- SIMTEL20 VHDL Repository Prologue ------------ -- -- Unit name : -- Version : -- Author : -- : -- : -- : -- DDN Address : -- Copyright : (c) -- Date created : -- Release date : -- Last update : -- VHDL Version : -- Machine/System Analyzed/Simulated on: -- --------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Keywords : -- -- Abstract : -- -- ------------------ Revision history --------------------------- -- -- DATE VERSION AUTHOR HISTORY -- ------------------ Distribution and Copyright ----------------- -- -- This prologue must be included in all copies of this VHDL code. -- -- This description is copyright by the author. -- -- This description is released to the VHDL community. -- This description is released to the Public Domain (note: -- Hardware descriptions released to the Public Domain are not subject -- to copyright protection). -- Restrictions on use or distribution: NONE -- ------------------ Disclaimer --------------------------------- -- -- This VHDL description code and its documentation are provided -- "AS IS" and without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. -- No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness -- for a particular purpose exist. -- -- Because of the diversity of conditions under which this code may be -- used, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. -- The user is advised to evaluate the code thoroughly before relying on it. -- The user must assume the entire risk and liability of using this code. -- -- In no event shall any person or organization of people be -- held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential -- or inconsequential damages or lost profits. -- -------------------END-PROLOGUE-------------------------------- 7.4 An example of prologue use This example is file EXAMPLE.VHD in PD:<VHDL.GENERAL> on SIMTEL20. -------- SIMTEL20 VHDL Repository Prologue ------------ -- -- Unit name : entity UP_DOWN_COUNTER -- Version : 1.0 -- Author : Harold W. Carter -- : University of Cincinnati -- : 898 Rhodes Hall, M.L. 30 -- : Cincinnati, OH 45221 -- DDN Address : HCARTER@AFIT-AB.ARPA -- Copyright : (c) 1987 Harold W. Carter -- Date created : June 12, 1987 -- Release date : August 2, 1987 -- Last update : -none- -- VHDL Version : DoD Ver. 7.2 -- Machine/System Analyzed/Simulated on : VAX 11/785, VMS -- Intermetrics analyzer, not simulated -- --------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Keywords : COUNTER, UP/DOWN -- -- Abstract : This entity consists of a package with simple -- functions for four-value logical functions -- (0, 1, U, Z), and one architecture described -- at the register-transfer-level which defines the -- function of a 32-bit up-down counter. Its purpose -- is for education only. -- -- ------------------ Revision history --------------------------- -- -- DATE VERSION AUTHOR HISTORY -- -- ------------------ Distribution and Copyright ----------------- -- -- This prologue must be included in all copies of this VHDL code. -- -- This VHDL description is copyright by the author. -- -- This description is released to the VHDL community. -- This description is released to the Public Domain (note: -- Hardware descriptions released to the Public Domain is not subject -- to copyright protection). -- Restrictions on use or distribution: NONE -- ------------------ Disclaimer --------------------------------- -- -- This VHDL description code and its documentation are provided -- "AS IS" and without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. -- No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness -- for a particular purpose exist. -- -- Because of the diversity of conditions under which this code may be -- used, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. -- The user is advised to evaluate the code thoroughly before relying on it. -- The user must assume the entire risk and liability of using this code. -- -- In no event shall any person or organization of people be -- held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential -- or inconsequential damages or lost profits. -- -- -------------------END-PROLOGUE-------------------------------- 8. How to Acquire a Tape of the VHDL Repository Tape copies of the files in PD:<VHDL*> may be made on 9TRK, 1600 BPI tapes in TOPS-20 DUMPER, TOPS-10 INTERCHANGE, and Unix Tar formats (sorry, SIMTEL20 does not have the capability of making VMS tapes). Send a tape, a stamped, self-addressed mailing label, and a short, informal cover letter stating that you would like a copy of this collection and specifying the format. Personnel at White Sands will make the tape at their convenience and mail it back to you. There is no charge for this service. Please use the following address to send your tape. White Sands cannot accept cash, checks, money orders or purchase orders. Send sufficient return postage in stamps. Commander USA White Sands Missile Range STEWS-IM-CM-S (Bldg. 362, Frank Wancho) White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico 88002-5072 DDN electronic mail address is WANCHO@SIMTEL20.ARPA. Frank's telephone number is 505/678-6257. ----> OVWELCOME.PRO, Version 1.6 <---- WELCOME TO THE ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY ON SIMTEL20 You are now on the ADA-SW mailing list, through which users of the Ada Software Repository (ASR) communicate with each other. This message is an introduction to the Ada Software Repository (ASR). A copy of this message is kept in PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVWELCOME.DOC if you want to see it again or copy it for other uses. Feel free to distribute this message and any other files in PD2:<ADA.GENERAL> that you wish to take. You may publish these files (in PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>) in any newsletter or commercial publication you desire without restriction. This message contains the following files: FILE CONTENTS PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASR.DOC Overview of the Ada Software Repository PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVNAMING.DOC File/Directory Naming PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>AAREAD.ME Pointers to Answers to Common Questions PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVFINDME.DOC How to Find Things PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVSERVICE.DOC Services Offered and NOT Offered by ASR PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVREVIEW.DOC Review Codes PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVMLIST.DOC About the ADA-SW Mailing List PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVTAPE.DOC Acquiring Magtape of Repository PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVFLOPPY.DOC Acquiring IBM PC Floppies of Repository PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVFTP.DOC Acquiring Files via FTP PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVCDROM.DOC Acquiring CD-ROM of Repository PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVUUCPBIT.DOC For USENET (UUCP) and BITNET Users PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVNEWSLTR.DOC About the ASR Newsletter PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVINDEX.DOC About the ASR Master Index PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVDIRLIST.DOC Summary of ADA Directories PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASRSUPP.DOC The Supporting Contractor of the ASR Welcome to the Ada Software Repository on SIMTEL20! Richard Conn Manager, Ada Software Repository ----> OVASR.DOC, Version 1.2 <---- THE ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY (ASR) ON SIMTEL20 A repository of Ada programs, software components, and educational material has been established on the SIMTEL20 host computer on the Defense Data Network. This repository has been accessible to any host computer on the network since November 26, 1984. The Ada Software Repository (ASR) provides a free source for Ada programs and information. By employing the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program, users of DDN hosts are able to scan the directories of the repository and transfer files to their hosts. If the files are Ada programs, they may then compile these programs and use them as they desire. Modifying these programs may be within their rights, and they may freely distribute these programs as they desire, subject to the restrictions specified for each piece of software in its prologue. The Ada Software Repository is available via FTP and on magtape, floppy disk, and CD-ROM. The Ada Software Repository on SIMTEL20 serves two basic roles: to promote the exchange and use (reusability) of Ada programs and tools (including components) and to promote Ada education (specifically by providing several working examples of programs in source form for people to study and modify). All members of the Ada community are encouraged to freely extract information and programs from the repository as well as make contributions to it. The only restrictions which apply to the access and use of this software are presented in the "Distribution and Copyright" section of the prologue associated with each piece of software. The Ada Software Repository is one of several repositories located on the SIMTEL20 Defense Data Network host computer at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. SIMTEL20 is owned and operated by the Operations and Systems Integration Division of the Information Systems Command of the US Army. The Ada Software Repository is sponsored by the Operations and Systems Integration Division at White Sands Missile Range with additional funding provided by the STARS (Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems) Joint Program Office at the Pentagon. DISCLAIMER ========= All software, documentation, and other items of information in the Ada Software Repository are in the public domain. These software, documentation, and information files are provided "AS IS" and without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose exist. Because of the diversity of conditions and hardware under which this software may be used, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The user is advised to test the software thoroughly before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk and liability of using this software. In no event shall any person or organization of people be held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or inconsequential damages or lost profits. Documentation on or mention of any company or its products in any of the files in the Ada Software Repository or in any documents published by the Support Contractor of the Ada Software Repository is provided for the information of the ASR user community only and does not in any way constitute an endorsement. ----> OVNAMING.DOC, Version 1.3 <---- FILE AND DIRECTORY NAMING CONVENTIONS ON SIMTEL20 SIMTEL20 is a DEC 20 host computer which runs the TOPS-20 operating system. SIMTEL20's full name, which must be used in conjunction with file transfer via FTP and electronic mail, is: WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL This file briefly describes the file and directory naming conventions under TOPS-20; this is not a complete description, but it should be enough to allow you to work with the software repositories on SIMTEL20. 1. Directory Names ================== Directory names in the various software repositories on SIMTEL20 take the general forms of: disk:<directory_name> and disk:<directory_name.subdirectory_name> All software repositories reside on the disks named PD1, PD2, and PD3 (for Public Domain 1, 2, and 3). Case is not signficant. Examples of directory names: PD2:<ADA> or pd2:<ada> -- top level of the Ada Software Repository PD2:<ADA.GENERAL> -- the GENERAL subdirectory under the ASR 2. File Names ============= File names under TOPS-20 are of the following general forms: file_name.file_type.version_number Both the file name and file type fields are not case sensitive. Each field can be quite long, but, as a general rule, the file name field is restricted to 9 characters (the first 6 are unique) and the file type field is restricted to 3 characters; this is to enhance transportability between different operating systems. The version number field is optional when referencing a file; if omitted, the latest version of the file is referenced. Examples of file names: MYFILE.TXT ADA-SW.NOT 3. Full File Reference ====================== Directory names and file names may be concatenated in order to provide a complete reference to a file. When referencing a file in the current directory, the file name may be omitted. Examples: PD2:<ADA>ADA.CRC PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVNAMING.DOC ----> AAREAD.ME, Version 1.2 <---- ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY ON SIMTEL20 COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND WHERE TO FIND THE ANSWERS The following is a collection of questions and the names of files which contain complete or partial answers to these questions. Unless otherwise noted, these files are contained in PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>. QUESTION FILES 1. What is the Ada Repository on SIMTEL20? OVASR.DOC, AAREAD.ME, OVWELCOME.PRO 2. How do I Access the Ada Repository? OVFTP.DOC, OVUUCPBIT.DOC OVTAPE.DOC, OVFLOP.DOC 3. How do I Find Out What is in the Ada Repository? OVFINDME.DOC, OVMLIST.DOC, OVDIRLIST.DOC, OVNEWSLTR.DOC OVINDEX.DOC 4. How do I Submit Software and other Items to the Ada Repository? OVSUBMIT.DOC 5. How do I Contact the Repository Maintainer and other Users of the Repository? OVMLIST.DOC 6. How do I get Started with Using the Ada Repository? OVWELCOME.DOC, OVMLIST.DOC OVINDEX.DOC, OVNAMING.DOC 7. How do I Contact the Authors of Software in the Ada Repository? OVPROLOGUE.DOC, OVSUBMIT.DOC ----> OVFINDME.DOC, Version 1.3 <---- HOW TO FIND THINGS IN THE ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY ON SIMTEL20 The contents of the Ada Software Repository are organized in a number of different ways to make finding software and documentation easier for the user of the repository. The following summarizes the information sources. WELCOME MESSAGE ============== The Welcome Message is a text file which is sent to all new subscribers to the ADA-SW electronic mailing list. This message contains introductory material on the Ada Software Repository, the operation and use of the Ada Software Repository, and the Defense Data Network. The Welcome Message is stored in PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVWELCOME.DOC. SIMPLE DIRECTORY DISPLAYS ========================= FTP can provide most users with a directory display of all files in any of the archives in the Ada Software Repository. See the following files for more information: PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASR.DOC -- general info on repository contents PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>AAREAD.ME -- archive structures PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVDIRLIST.DOC -- list of subdirectories PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVFTP.DOC PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>FTP.DOC PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>FTP1.DOC PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>FTP2.DOC PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>FTPBINARY.DOC -- introduction to FTP and file transfer ONLINE DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM =========================== The directory PD2:<ADA> contains the files ADA.DB and ADA.HDR. ADA.DB contains a machine-readable, comma-delimited ASCII text database that can be read by a number of database and spreadsheet programs (such as dBASE II, SuperCalc, etc). This database contains a taxonomy of the ASR, file specifications, and brief descriptions of each item in the ASR. The file ADA.HDR names the database record fields and gives their size, starting row (on a spreadsheet), and starting column (on a spreadsheet) in a format read by several popular spreadsheet programs. These files are updated frequently. NEWSLETTERS =========== Newsletters are available in electronic form and placed in the directory PD2:<ADA.NEWS>. They are also available in hardcopy form. See the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVNEWSLTR.DOC for details. MASTER INDEX ============ A Master Index of all software and information in the Ada Software Repository is a 300+ page loose-leaf book is updated periodically as the repository grows. See the machine-readable Master Index in the PD2:<ADA.MASTER-INDEX>*.CH files or the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVINDEX.DOC for details. PROLOGUE FILES ============== Each piece of software has an associated PROLOGUE file of type PRO (eg, SAFEIO.PRO) which contains the Ada Software Repository standard header. See the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OIPRO.SRC for more information. ITEM DESCRIPTION FILES ====================== Each item of software and information has an associated ID (Item Description) file in the directory PD2:<ADA.ID-FILES>. This is the database from which the Master Index book and the ADA.DB and ADA.HDR files are created. Software items are described in SID files, and textual items are described in TID files. The files ADA.TAX and ADAF.TAX (which list the taxonomy of the ASR) are also created from this database, and ADAF.TAX lists the taxonomy with pointers back to the ID files from which the taxonomy entries were created. TOP-LEVEL FILE LISTINGS ======================= In PD2:<ADA> are several ADA.* files which contain listings of the files in the Ada Software Repository in various formats. These files are updated frequently. Some of them are: ADA.CRC - listing of files by directory with byte counts and CRCs ADA.UUE - UUENCODED form of ADA.CRC ADA.DB - machine-readable database of the ASR (see elsewhere in this document for details) ADA.HDR - companion file to ADA.DB ADA.RPT - listing of files by directory with line and byte counts ADA.SNP - listing of directories (no files) with overall sizes in lines and bytes ADA.TAX - taxonomy of the ASR ADAF.TAX - taxonomy of the ASR with associated ID files referenced ADA.TIM - listing of the files in reverse chronological order (useful if you get tape updates of the ASR and want to see what has changed since your last update) ADAID.TIM - listing of the ID files in reverse chronological order (useful if you want to see what items have been added or changed recently) ADA.USE - listing of files by number of accesses GENERAL ======= The files in PD2:<ADA.GENERAL> contain information on what is in the Ada Software Repository, how to access and use the Ada Software Repository, and other items of interest to the community. Files prefixed by OV (e.g., OVFINDME.DOC) are overview files; files prefixed by OI (e.g., OIPRO.SRC) are operational information files which are used by submitters and people wanting to set up their own repositories. ASSISTANCE VIA TELEPHONE, ELECTRONIC MAIL, and CONVENTIONAL MAIL ================================================================ Questions about the Ada Software Repository may be answered by contacting the support contractor; see the Master Index, the ASR Welcome Message, or the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASRSUPP.DOC for details. ----> OVSERVICE.DOC, Version 1.1 <---- This document describes services offered by the Ada Software Repository (ASR) to its users. This document also briefly discusses services which support the ASR community that are offered by companies and other organizations outside of the ASR itself and services which are specifically NOT offered by the ASR. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES OFFERED BY THE Ada SOFTWARE REPOSITORY The following services are provided as a part of the operation of the Ada Software Repository (ASR). Details on how to actually use these services are provided in the ASR Welcome Message and other files in the General Information subdirectory (named PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>) of the ASR. The ASR user should start with the ASR Welcome Message to answer his questions. 1. File Distribution via FTP ============================ The anonymous login convention is supported. Internet users can employ the FTP programs on their host computers to log into the repository and transfer files from the repository. No fee is charged for this service. 2. File Distribution via Magnetic Tape ====================================== Blank magnetic tapes can be sent to the Support Contractor of the ASR with return postage, and a copy of the entire ASR will be placed on them and returned to the sender. No fee is charged for this service. 3. ADA-SW and SW-COMP Electronic Mailing Lists ============================================== Internet users and users on other networks connected to the Internet via electronic mail gateways may subscribe to the ADA-SW and SW-COMP electronic mailing lists. Notices of new submissions to the ASR and other items of interest to users of the ASR are posted to ADA-SW. Discussions of topics relating to software reuse and reusable software component design are posted to SW-COMP. No fee is charged for this service. 4. ASR Newsletter ================= The ASR Newsletter contains notices of all new submissions to the ASR (where each newsletter documents all new submissions since the last newsletter), articles of interest to users of the ASR, press releases, calls for papers, and other items of information. Machine-readable copies of the ASR Newsletter are available in the PD2:<ADA.NEWS> subdirectory of the ASR without charge, and a hardcopy subscription to this newsletter is available for a fee from the ASR Support Contractor. 5. ASR Master Index =================== The ASR Master Index is a book which contains a taxonomy of the ASR and abstracts of all items in the ASR. Over 300 pages long, this book is updated every few months, with the nature of the revisions being posted in the ASR Newsletters to facilitate updating by those who already have a copy of the book and just wish to update only the chapters that have changed. The ASR Master Index is available in machine-readable form from the PD2:<ADA.MASTER-INDEX> subdirectory of the ASR without charge, and a hardcopy of the current issue of this book is available from the Support Contractor (there is no charge to organizations within the US Government and there is a fee charged to others). 6. ASR Online Database ====================== An online database containing information on the items in the ASR is available in the PD2:<ADA> subdirectory as the files ADA.DB and ADA.HDR. The data itself is in the file ADA.DB, and the record structure is in the file ADA.HDR. The format of the ADA.DB file is a comma-delimited standard that is recognized by many PC-based database management programs, and it can be readily converted into their unique formats and used by them. This database is updated each time a new item is added to the ASR. No fee is charged for this service. 7. ASR Dynamic Information Files ================================ Several information files on the content of the ASR are maintained in the PD2:<ADA> subdirectory of the ASR. These files are often updated each time a new item is added to the ASR. See the ASR Welcome Message for information on them. No fee is charged for this service. 8. Telephone, Electronic Mail, and Conventional Mail Assistance =============================================================== Questions about the ASR may be answered by phoning, sending electronic mail to, or writing the ASR Support Contractor. See the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASRSUPP.DOC or the ASR Welcome Message for information on contacting the ASR Support Contractor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES OFFERED OUTSIDE THE ASR Several companies and organizations are offering services, usually for a fee, in addition to those offered by the ASR itself. These services include alternate online access to the ASR with value-added reviews of the items in the ASR, floppy disk distribution of the ASR, CD-ROM distribution of the ASR, and reviews of the ASR. These other services are described in the ASR Welcome Message, the ASR Master Index book, and various files in the PD2:<ADA.GENERAL> subdirectory. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES NOT OFFERED BY THE ASR While the ASR offers many services to its users, there are certain services NOT offered which some users have requested. These services are not offered because of limitations placed on the ASR activity by laws of the US Government (such as the export control laws), by regulations effective within the DoD (such as certain Army regulations), by physical limitations of the Internet capacity (particularly the bandwidth of the DDN backbone and the mail capacity limitations of many Internet email gateways), and by funding and manpower limits. In particular, services NOT offered by the ASR include: 1. sending files other than short information files to users via electronic mail, either manually or by use of an archive server 2. providing a copy of just part of the ASR on magnetic tape (as opposed to providing a magnetic tape copy of the entire ASR, which IS a service as mentioned above) 3. floppy disk distribution of the ASR 4. magnetic tape distribution of the ASR in formats other than those specifically named in the ASR documentation ----> OVREVIEW.DOC, Version 1.3 <---- ASR REVIEW CODES The database maintained on the Ada Software Repository (ASR) includes Review Codes which are used to indicate to some extent the level of trust which may be placed in a particular item. These Review Codes are defined as follows: Code Meaning ==== ======= 500 The item has been accessed more than 500 times 1000 The item has been accessed more than 1000 times CMM Comment Files (*.CMM, *.CM2, etc) are available which describe one or more problems with the item CS Compiled Successfully (followed by an indication of the Ada compiler used in parentheses) by the reviewer ES Executed Successfully (followed by an indication of the target computer used in parentheses if different from the systems mentioned in the CS list) by the reviewer MF-CODE Missing File - Code; one or more files of source code are missing; the item cannot be compiled without these files MF-DATA Missing File - Data; one or more files used as input data when the compiled code runs are missing; the item cannot be executed without these files NR Not Reviewed RI Review Incomplete (only some results of a partial review are posted) ----> OVMLIST.DOC, Version 1.3 <---- ELECTRONIC MAILING LISTS SUPPORTED BY THE ASR Two electronic mailing lists are currently supported by the Ada Software Repository (ASR) activity: ADA-SW -- for users of the ASR SW-COMP -- for people interested in discussing software reuse These lists are described in the following sections. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA-SW ELECTRONIC MAILING LIST ============================== An electronic mailing list exists for those who are interested in accessing and contributing software to the Ada Software Repository (ASR) on SIMTEL20. To subscribe to this mailing list, send a request via electronic mail to: ADA-SW-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL After you have been logged into the repository's mailing list, you will receive a welcome message which provides introductory information on how to access the repository. The mailing list serves two purposes: to help exchange information between the repository users and to mail repository submissions to the maintainer of the Ada Software Repository for inclusion in the archives. A hardcopy newsletter and other hardcopy documentation on the Ada Software Repository are published by the ASR Support Contractor. The file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASRSUPP.DOC and the ASR Welcome Message contain instructions for contacting him. ADA-SW ADDRESSES and ARCHIVES ============================= If you wish to send a message to the entire ADA-SW reading list, address your message to: ADA-SW@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL If you wish to discuss an administrative matter, such as changing your mailing address on the ADA-SW email list, address your message to: ADA-SW-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL PD2:<ARCHIVES.ADA-SW>ADA-SW-ARCHIV.TXT contains all recent messages passed over the ADA-SW mailing list. New users on the list are invited to get a copy of this file and scan it for background; older users may use it for reference. PD2:<ARCHIVES.ADA-SW>yymm.v-TXT-Z contains older messages by year/month in a compressed (UNIX) form. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SW-COMP ELECTRONIC MAILING LIST =============================== The main objective of SW-COMP is to provide a forum for discussions about software components and their design, implementation, and utilization. Sponsored as a part of the Ada Software Repository activity at White Sands Missile Range, discussions on SW-COMP are not by any means limited to software components written in Ada. SW-COMP is for software components written in any language, including Ada, Objective C, C++, and any other language of interest to the readers of this list. This list is oriented to professional component developers, people who are training to become such a professional, and people who have an interest in developing their own components. This list is open to any person interested in the topics of software components and software reuse through components. As a "public service," this list has a secondary function of providing a forum for reviewing and discussing the software components developed by vendors, government contractors, and other sources. Components found in commercial software products as well as public sources, such as the Ada Software and UNIX-C Repositories on SIMTEL20 and the Data and Analysis Center for Software at Rome Air Development Center, may be topics for discussion on this list. The people who have developed software components which are criticized on this list will be given the opportunity to discuss this criticism and seek ideas on how the components may be improved. DISCLAIMER: All messages posted to this list are in the public domain. These messages are provided "AS IS" and without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. The opinions and statements expressed in these messages are to be considered to be those of the author, unless otherwise stated by the author, and do not in any way constitute an endorsement or official statement by any organization of the US government or other entity unless it is so stated. SW-COMP ADDRESSES and ARCHIVES ============================== This list is run as a digest. People on the list can address their messages to: SW-COMP@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL These messages will be automatically collected and released at least once a day (except when the list administrator is not available) as a digest, where the subjects of the messages are presented at the beginning of the digest message. Messages sent to SW-COMP which are not of general interest to the readers, such as administrative messages or messages in conflict with DDN policy, will be filtered out (with an appropriate explanation sent to the sender if possible). Requests for new subscriptions, list deletions, and other administrative matters should be addressed to: SW-COMP-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL The directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.SW-COMP> is an archive of all messages transmitted on this list. The file SW-COMP-ARCHIV.TXT contains recent messages; files named yymm.1-TXT-Z contain older messages by year and month in a compressed (UNIX) form. ----> OVTAPE.DOC, Version 1.5 <---- ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY AVAILABLE ON TAPE Tape copies of the Ada Software Repository (ASR) are available on 9 Track, 1600 and 6250 BPI magtapes in the following formats: Format Target Computer ------ --------------- TOPS-20 DUMPER DEC-20 TOPS-10 INTERCHANGE DEC-10, DEC-20 UNIX TAR UNIX ANSI VAX/VMS, other All tapes listed above are available from the support contractor for the ASR (see the ASR Welcome Message or the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASRSUPP.DOC). Additionally, the DEC Users' Society (DECUS) is distributing the ASR in the various tape formats supported by DEC (VMS BACKUP, TK50, etc). Details are presented later in this file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Track, 1600 and 6250 BPI Tape Formats Supported: TOPS-20 DUMPER TOPS-10 INTERCHANGE UNIX TAR ANSI Charge by the ASR Support Contractor: None Instructions: (1) Send the number of tapes indicated by Table 1 below, a stamped, self-addressed mailing label, and a short, informal cover letter stating that you would like a copy of this collection and specifying the format. Personnel at White Sands will copy to the tapes as they have time and mail them back to you. (2) Please send your tapes to the ASR Support Contractor. His address, phone number, and business hours are in the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASRSUPP.DOC and in the ASR Welcome Message. Send a completed UPS Collect or Federal Express Collect form to cover payment of postage. (3) Status of tape requests made to the ASR Support Contractor can be determined by contacting him by phone or in writing. - Table 1: Collections and Tape Counts from the ASR Support Contractor - A Ada Software Repository (Ada Collection) B PC-Blue Collection P All of the PD: (Public Domain) Collections U Unix Collection A - Ada Software Repository in ANSI format at 1600 BPI - 6 tapes (note: VAX/VMS users can read ANSI) in ANSI format at 6250 BPI - 2 tapes (note: VAX/VMS users can read ANSI) in TOPS10 INTERCHANGE at 1600 BPI - 3 tapes in TOPS10 INTERCHANGE at 6250 BPI - 1 tape in TOPS20 DUMPER at 1600 BPI - 1 tape in TOPS20 DUMPER at 6250 BPI - 1 tape in UNIX TAR at 1600 BPI - 3 tapes in UNIX TAR at 6250 BPI - 1 tape B - PC-Blue Collection in TOPS20 DUMPER at 6250 BPI - 1 tape in UNIX TAR at 6250 BPI - 2 tapes P - Public Domain Collection (on disks PD1: and PD2:) in TOPS10 INTERCHANGE at 6250 BPI - unknown (but provided) in TOPS20 DUMPER at 6250 BPI - 10 tapes in UNIX TAR at 6250 BPI - 10 tapes U - UNIX/C Collection in TOPS20 DUMPER at 6250 BPI - 1 tape in UNIX TAR at 6250 BPI - 1 tape --------------------------------------------------------------------- Distribution by DECUS ===================== POC: Ted Nieland - SRL <TNIELAND%FALCON@AAMRL.AF.MIL> The MSDOS, ADA, and UNIX-C collections have been submitted to the DECUS Library. They have been assigned part numbers as listed below. The MS-DOS collection was broken into two pieces (it would not fit on a single TK50 tape). Here are the part numbers: SIMTEL20 Unix-C Collection VMS BACKUP Format............V-SP-88 SIMTEL20 Unix-C Collection TAR Format...................U-SP-105 SIMTEL20 MSDOS Collection Part 1 VMS BACKUP Format......V-SP-89 SIMTEL20 MSDOS Collection Part 2 VMS BACKUP Format......V-SP-90 SIMTEL20 ADA Collection VMS BACKUP Format...............V-SP-91 Ted will be attempting to update these collections in the DECUS Library every six months or so. He will be FTPing all files that changed and removing the superseded files to get a current copy of the archive, without having to get the entire archive again. The address and phone number for the DECUS Library is: The DECUS Program Library 219 Boston Post Road BP02 Marlboro, MA 01752-1850 Phone: 508 480-3418 ----> OVFLOPPY.DOC, Version 1.6 <---- ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY AVAILABLE ON IBM PC FLOPPIES Parts of the Ada Software Repository are available on IBM PC compatible floppy disks. The following organizations are providing this service: Organization For Whom Service is Provided ------------ ---------------------------- C2MUG, Fort Leavenworth, KS All echelons within the DoD and the US Federal Government PC-BLUE, NYACC, NY Anyone Advanced Software Technology Anyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. C2MUG, Fort Leavenworth, KS ============================== C2MUG (Command and Control Microcomputer User's Group) provides a forum of the exchange of ideas and public domain software between microcomputer users, keying on command and control applications. C2MUG provides a focal point for microcomputer users throughout the US Army, and it is sponsored by the Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM). The staff of C2MUG is located at the CECOM Maneuver Control Directorate, Building 138, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. C2MUG provides a continuing forum whereby users can: - learn of the latest command and control efforts - participate in contributing ideas and software - seek solutions to microcomputer software problems - learn more about micros relating to their military work environment - receive a free bi-monthly newsletter - receive a free annual software catalog - receive copies of public domain software in exchange for blank floppy diskettes - attend an annual microcomputer seminar - have access to an Electronic Bulletin Board C2MUG provides assistance to its users through a full-time staff. The staff assists with software problems either directly, by referral to another user with the desired background/expertise, or through Requests for Assistance in the monthly newsletter and/or on the Electronic Bulletin Board. Available software consists of over 500 programs, primarily for use with the Apple II Plus/IIe/IIc and IBM PC and compatibles. Some programs are also available for the Wang. C2MUG offers its services to all echelons within the US Army community, the sister military services, and elements of the Federal Government. There is no cost or obligation associated with joining C2MUG, and the services (including the newsletter, catalog, and public domain software copying) are free. For more information, contact C2MUG: Associate Director MCSD Attn: AMSEL-RD-SE-BCS-MC (C2MUG) Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-5600 Phone: AV 552-7550, FTS 753-7550, Commercial 913/684-7550 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. PC-BLUE, NYACC, New York =========================== The New York Amateur Computer Club, Inc., offers a world-wide distribution service of software and information on IBM PC diskettes. A network of volunteer organizations and individuals, including many computer clubs and electronic bulletin boards, distributes the PC-BLUE Library to the public. The PC-BLUE Library now contains part of the Ada Software Repository. The software distributed by C2MUG (see above) is also distributed by PC-BLUE. If you are interested in accessing ASR software and information through PC-BLUE, contact (in writing): PC-BLUE Library New York Amateur Computer Club, Inc. Box 3442 Church Street Station New York, NY 10008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Advanced Software Technology, Inc. ===================================== The Ada Software Repository is being distributed by Advanced Software Technology, Inc., on high-density (1.2 megabyte) MS-DOS formatted floppy disks. At the time of this writing (May, 1989), the cost per disk, which includes shipping and handling, is $10.00, and New York state residents should add $0.75 per disk to cover applicable taxes. Disks may be ordered from: Advanced Software Technology, Inc. PO Box 937 Medford, NY 11763 516/289-6646 The files are in a compressed format, and there are currently 29 disks in the distribution. A hard disk is required to provide sufficient space to uncompress the files. ----> OVFTP.DOC, Version 1.3 <---- ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY AVAILABLE VIA FTP The Ada Software Repository is on the Defense Data Network, and all files in it are available via the File Transfer Protocol with anonymous login. The following book describes the Ada Software Repository and how to access it via FTP on the Defense Data Network: "The Ada Software Repository and the Defense Data Network: A Resource Handbook" by Richard Conn. Published in 1987, 200+ pages. Contact the Ada Software Repository support contractor (see the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASRSUPP.DOC) or the publisher to acquire it; the publisher is: New York Zoetrope 838 Broadway New York, NY 10003 Phone: 800/242-7546 Other information on using FTP is available within the Ada Software Repository itself; send electronic mail requests for this information to: ADA-SW-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL The files on FTP in the ASR are: PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>FTP.DOC PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>FTP1.DOC PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>FTP2.DOC PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>FTPBINARY.DOC PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVFTP.DOC (this file) The full name of the SIMTEL20 host computer, which must be used in conjunction with FTP, is WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL. Anonymous login convention applies. ----> OVCDROM.DOC, Version 1.2 <---- ASR ON CD-ROM The Ada Software Repository (ASR) is available on CD-ROM (Compact Disk Read-Only Memory) as part of the US Air Force's MCCR (Mission Critical Computer Resource) Acquisition Library Demonstration. This CD-ROM contains the entire Ada Software Repository as well as the CAMP (Common Ada Missile Packages) parts and machine-readable copies of several Air Force documents. This CD-ROM is called the "Acquisition Information Resource Demonstration Disc," and it has a total capacity of 550M bytes. It is For Official Use Only and available to selected parties from: Computer Resource Management Technology Program (PE 64740F) ESD/XRS1 Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-5000 617/377-2713 AV 478-2713 POC: 1LT Mark Ziemba (ZIEMBAM@ESDVAX.ARPA) The Ada Software Repository is also available on CDROM from a commercial firm, ALDE Publishing. At the time of this writing, the cost of the Ada CDROM was under $110. For more information, contact: ALDE Publishing PO Box 35326 4830 West 77th Street Minneapolis, MN 55435 Voice: 612/835-5240 FAx: 612/835-3401 Dennis Burke is the project manager. ----> OVUUCPBIT.DOC, Version 1.1 <---- ACCESSING THE ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY VIA UUCP (USENET) AND BITNET "How can a user of a USENET host access the public domain microcomputer software collection on the DDN/MILNET host SIMTEL20?" is being asked with increasing frequency as that software collection continues to grow. Unfortunately, direct access is not possible as there is no UUCP gateway for file transfer between SIMTEL20 (running TOPS-20) and a USENET host (as there is for electronic mail). DDN, formerly known as ARPANET, is the Defense Data Network. DDN, along with Arpanet, SATNET, SRINET, etc. are all members of a TCP/IP protocol-based, multiple gateway network called InterNet. USENET has been built on adjacent hosts voluntarily agreeing to store- and-forward relatively short messages across the USENET over dialup lines at 300 or 1200 bps. In the past, helpful InterNet users would fetch the file(s) requested and then e-mail them to the requestor. However, it has been pointed out that large file transfers disrupt the service, delay the shorter messages, and generate unacceptably large phone bills, all of which add up to threaten the tenuous connections that some USENET hosts can barely afford to have. Therefore, we have been asked to encourage InterNet users not to pass archive programs this way. Those USENET and BITNET users who wish to access the files in the Ada Software Repository may acquire them via magtape or IBM PC diskette. See the files PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVTAPE.DOC and PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVFLOPPY.DOC for details on how to do this. Additionally, the ASR Newsletter documents other methods for accessing the ASR from these communities as they become available; see the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVNEWSLTR.DOC for details on acquiring the ASR Newsletters. The problem of giving USENET and BITNET users a more timely method of accessing the ASR is being addressed, and details will be released in future issues of the ASR Newsletter. For BITNET Users Only ===================== Michael Feldman of The George Washington University EE&CS Department maintains a mailing list of people at BITNET sites interested in receiving the list of validated Ada compilers and Ada Software Repository Newsletters on a regular basis. Michael can be contacted via electronic mail: MFELDMAN at GWUVM -- BITNET MFELDMAN%GWUVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU -- DDN ----> OVNEWSLTR.DOC, Version 1.1 <---- ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY NEWSLETTER The Ada Software Repository (ASR) newsletter is published in both electronic form and hardcopy form: 1. Users of the ASR may freely transfer copies of the newsletter from PD2:<ADA.NEWS> via FTP (the newsletters are in the files matching ASR*.DOC). 2. The newsletters are available in electronic form on IBM PC diskettes (see the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVFLOPPY.DOC for details). 3. The tape distribution of the ASR (see the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVTAPE.DOC) includes the newsletters. 4. A hardcopy mailing of the newsletter is available from the ASR support contractor (see the file OVASRSUPP.DOC in the directory PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>). Hardcopy subscription to the ASR newsletter is free to all elements of the US Government; the cost to others for a hardcopy subscription to the ASR Newsletter is $16 for 12 copies. ----> OVINDEX.DOC, Version 1.1 <---- ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY MASTER INDEX The Master Index of the Ada Software Repository (ASR) is a loose-leaf book which contains details on the software and information in the ASR. Each item of software is described by an abstract, information on the host compiler/operating system and target environment, and a listing of all associated files and their locations in the ASR. Each item of information is described by an abstract and a listing of all associated files. The Master Index breaks down the ASR into the following major categories, each presented as separate chapters: o ASR-Specific Information and Programs o Artificial Intelligence o Benchmarks o Communications o Reusable Software Components o Data Base Management o Documentation o Graphics o Project Management o Ada Software Development Tools o Other Tools o the WIS Ada Tool Set Selected items of information from the ASR are included in the Master Index. These items include the Welcome Message, which gives an extensive introduction to the Ada Software Repository (its operation and use) and the Defense Data Network (with emphasis on the use of FTP to transfer files from the archives on SIMTEL20). The Master Index includes a complete table of contents, which is helpful in quickly locating specific items of interest, and an extensive index. The first publication of the Master Index exceeded 300 pages in size. As the ASR grows, updates to the Master Index will be issued. The loose-leaf format of the Master Index was selected to facilite the update process and to permit the users to assemble the Master Index and the ASR Newsletters conveniently in loose-leaf notebooks. The Master Index and its updates are available through the ASR support contractor. See the file PD2:<ADA.GENERAL>OVASRSUPP.DOC for details on how to contact this contractor. The Master Index is free to all elements of the US Government; the purchase price of the Master Index to others is $50.00 (not including updates). Updates are also free to all elements of the US Government, and their prices to others will be determined as they are released. ----> OVDIRLIST.DOC (Current Version) <---- The following describes the various directories which make up the Ada Software Repository on SIMTEL20. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA> This is the top-level directory. The names of the subdirectories (*.DIRECTORY) and several statistics and information files can be seen here. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.ABSTRACTIONS> This subdirectory contains the ABSTRACTIONS reusable software components library of Intermetrics. Each file of the library is presented as a separate file, as opposed to the entire library being presented as one large PAGER SRC file. This subdirectory contains the files present within the PAGER SRC file PD2:<ADA.COMPONENTS>ABSTRACT.SRC. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.ADA-ADOPT> This subdirectory contains Version 1.0 of the "Ada Adoption Handbook: A Program Manager's Guide" by John Foreman and John Goodenough of the Software Engineering Institute in machine-readable form. This is Technical Report CMU/SEI-87-TR-9, ESD-TR-87-110, May 1987. This document is approved for public release. Distribution unlimited. Note: these files have been edited from the original distribution. The original distribution contained additional characters for bold facing and underlining, but no backspaces where included, so the document was not very readable. The editing changes eliminated the duplicate characters and extra spaces and underscores, producing a readable document with no bold facing or underlining. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.ADA-CAN> "Ada Can" -- the contest to solve the "impossible" problems that "Ada can't do" presented by EVB Software Engineering, Inc. 5320 Spectrum Drive Frederick, MD 21701 (301) 695-6960 DESCRIPTION All of us in the Ada community have heard stories about "deficiencies" in the Ada language. Most of these accounts can be ascribed to one or more of the following problems: - unawareness of one or more language features which directly address the problem. - looking for a single Ada statement which will solve the problem. Oddly, some feel that having to write two or more Ada statements to accomplish one's objectives is a deficiency in the language. - a propensity to duplicate some feature of a more familiar language, e.g., FORTRAN or assembly language. - Wanting an excuse not to use the Ada language. While Ada is not a perfect language, there is much that can be accomplished with the language in its present form. Further, although knowledgeable, the software engineering population frequently seems to be poorly directed. Because we at EVB believe that much could be learned from an endeavor which would promote the positive benefits and strengths of software engineering in Ada, we are announcing the EVB "Ada Can" project. The bound problem definitions and their solutions will be available by Friday, December 9, 1988. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.ADA-SQL> This subdirectory contains files associated with the development of a standard Ada DBMS interface (Ada/SQL) based on the dpANS Data Base Language SQL. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.ADAIC> This subdirectory contains information on and files published by the Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC). ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.AI> This subdirectory contains software and information related to the fields of artificial intelligence. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.ANSI-LRM> This subdirectory contains a machine-readable copy of the ANSI Version of the Ada Language Reference Manual (LRM). Chapters 1-14 and Appendices A-F are included as CHAPxx.DOC (like, CHAP01.DOC or CHAPA.DOC). Error files are also included as CHAPxx.ERR. The Foreword (FOREWORD.DOC, ERR), Postscript (POSTSCRPT.DOC, ERR), and Table of Contents (TOC.DOC) are included. INDEX.DOC contains the index. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.BENCHMARKS> This subdirectory contains various Ada compiler benchmarks. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.CAIS> This subdirectory contains software associated with the Common APSE Interface Set (CAIS). The CAIS is defined in MIL-STD-1838. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.CAIS-TOOLS> This subdirectory contains tools which are compatable with and modified or implemented to run under the CAIS presented in the directory PD2:<ADA.CAIS>. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.COMPILATION-ORDER> This subdirectory contains software which deals with the analysis of groups of Ada programs to determine the proper compilation order. Other information pertaining to the interrelationship of software segments of a system may be obtained as well. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.COMPONENTS> This is the components subdirectory. Software components, including general-purpose procedures, packages, and generics, are stored here. Examples are: math packages, TERMCAP routines, generic linked list packages, and dynamic string packages. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.CROSS-REFERENCE> This subdirectory contains tools which generate cross-reference listings of Ada programs. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.DBMS> This subdirectory contains Ada software components and programs directly related to Data Base Management functions. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.DDN> This subdirectory contains tools and components related to the Defense Data Network, its file transfer, mail, and communications facilities. Implementations of the TCP/IP communications protocol, the FTP file transfer tool, and the SMTP mail handler are included. See also PD2:<ADA.DDN2>. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.DDN2> This subdirectory contains tools and components related to the Defense Data Network, its file transfer, mail, and communications facilities. Implementations of the TCP/IP communications protocol are included. See also PD2:<ADA.DDN>. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.DEBUGGER> This subdirectory contains Ada source-level debuggers. A Symbolic Debugger is included. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.EDITORS> This subdirectory contains the source code and documentation on some text editors written in Ada. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.EDUCATION> This is the education subdirectory. Sample programs, tutorials, and online courseware are located here. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.EXTERNAL-TOOLS> This subdirectory contains several miscellaneous tools which are helpful in developing Ada code but are not written in Ada or pertain to specific environments. For example, an Ada language development interface for the EMACS editor can be found here. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.FORMGEN> This subdirectory contains tools for the generation of forms for use by Ada programs. The forms generator will display and accept input into a form (in a screen-oriented fashion via the virtual terminal) in such a way that this mechanism is transparent to the Ada program using it. Instead, the program simply reads fields from the form via procedure interfaces. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.GENERAL> This is the General Information subdirectory. Notes, comments, usage information, and other data are stored here. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.GKS> This subdirectory contains routines associated with a Graphical Kernel System. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.GNU-ADA-MODE> This subdirectory contains the Ada mode implementation for GNU EMACS as developed by Lynn Slater and others. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.ID-FILES> This subdirectory contains Item Description (ID) files for all items of text and software in the Ada Software Repository. The *.SID files describe the items of software, and the *.TID files describe the items of text. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.MANAGEMENT-TOOLS> This subdirectory contains tools for use in managing an Ada software development project. Status tracking and Manpower estimation tools are included. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.MASTER-INDEX> This subdirectory contains a machine-readable copy of the Master Index, a book which documents the items in the Ada Software Repository. The *.CH files are ASCII text files which make up the title page, table of contents and taxonomy, chapters and appendices, and index of the Master Index. The *.CH files files are designed to be printed on 8 1/2" x 11" paper in elite (12 chars/inch) type. No margins should be preset; a 1" margin is already formatted into these files. The order of the files in this subdirectory is: TITLE.CH Title Page TOC.CH Table of Contents and Taxonomy CH01.CH Chapter 1 ... CHnn.CH Chapter nn CHA.CH Appendix A CHB.CH Appendix B INDEX.CH Index Other files in this subdirectory, namely the *.CHS and *.INC files, are data files used in the creation of the Master Index and are not of general interest. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.MATH> This subdirectory contains packages of math routines. All routines are written in Ada. Routines for trig functions, exponential functions, matrix manipulation, bit manipulation, and others are contained here. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.MENU> This subdirectory contains software used in the generation of menus. Applications programs may use these menu generators as front-ends. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.MESSAGE-HANDLING> This subdirectory contains tools for use in message handling facilities and message transfer. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.METRICS> This subdirectory contains tools used to perform metrics analysis of Ada software. Tools for path analysis, performance analysis, and other metrics reports are included. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.NEW-ABSTRACTIONS> This subdirectory contains the NEW ABSTRACTIONS reusable software components library of Intermetrics. Each file of the library is presented as a separate file, as opposed to the entire library being presented as one large PAGER SRC file. This subdirectory contains the files present within the PAGER SRC file PD2:<ADA.COMPONENTS>NEWABS.SRC. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.NEWS> This subdirectory contains the Ada Software Repository (ASR) Newsletters. File names are ASRnnn.DOC. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.ONLINE-DOC> This subdirectory contains supporting files for the online documentation system of the Ada Repository. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.PAGER> This subdirectory contains tools which create and manipulated paged files. All SRC files are paged files, which are files composed of several smaller files separated by a special flag. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.PDL> This subdirectory contains software associated with Ada Program Design Languages and tools to support the Ada program designer. Such tools include tools for data dictionary manipulation and design analysis. There may be some overlap between this directory and software which may fall into the PDL category that is scattered among the other subdirectories. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.PIWG> TAPE_12_12_87 TAPE_5_1_87 Note: 12/12/87 differs from 5/1/87 in documentation only; this distriubtion is 12/12/87 PIWG is a suite of tests/benchmarks prepared by the Performance Issues Working Group of ACM SIGAda. The purpose of PIWG is to develop the benchmarks and collect and disseminate results. The PIWG tests have been under development for many years and have been run against many Ada compilers. The PIWG test suite contains over 200 files which include Whetstone (to measure processor speed), Dhrystone (to measure statement execution per unit time), and other benchmarks which test various attributes of the Ada language and their implementations under specific compilers. The PIWG tests must be customized for a particular compiler, and instructions are included to do this. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.POINTERS> This is the pointers subdirectory. Information on other sources of software and information is presented here. This data pertains to both on- and off- net resources. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.PRETTY-PRINTERS> This subdirectory contains pretty printers for Ada source programs. The pretty printers reformat the Ada source programs in order to outline the structure of the programs and provide other useful information for the programmer. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.RATIONALE> This subdirectory contains a machine-readable copy of "The Rationale for the Design of the Ada Programming Language." This document has evolved over a number of years. A first version appeared in 1978 as the Rationale for the Green programming language, and this was revised in 1979 at the time that Green was finally selected as Ada. The purpose of these documents was to explain the motivation for the language design, and to justify and defend its position against the other competitive languages and the Ironman (later Steelman) requirements. No corresponding document was written in 1980 when Ada was proposed as a standard, nor in January when Ada finally became both an ANSI and Military Standard. The present version completes and revises a draft issued in January 1984 and which was the subject of public review. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.REAL-TIME> This subdirectory contains documents and items of Ada software which address questions and standards dealing with the real-time use of the Ada programming language. Documents and information generated and presented by the Ada Runtime Environment Working Group (ARTEWG) are made available in this subdirectory. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.SEI> This subdirectory contains information on the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). This information includes details on its mission, activities, and publications. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.SIMULATION> This subdirectory contains programs and tools associated with performing simulations, such as queuing simulations. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.SPELLER> This subdirectory contains spelling checkers written in Ada. Dictionaries are also included here. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.STARTER-KIT> This subdirectory contains tools which are useful in accessing the software in the repository. It includes the PAGER tool, which is used to assemble and disassemble SRC (paged) files. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.STUBBER> This subdirectory contains Ada program body stubber tools. They analyze the definition of an Ada software design and generate software bodies as stubs to be filled in later during development. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.STYLE> This subdirectory contains Ada style checking tools. They analyze Ada source code and report on various aspects of the programming style, such as consistent indentation and use of long variable names. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.TOOLS> This is the miscellaneous tools subdirectory. Sources to various tools which do not fit into the categories of the other subdirectories are placed here. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.TRANSLATORS> This subdirectory contains tools which convert programs written in one language into Ada automatically. These tools include a COBOL to Ada translator and a FORTRAN to Ada translator. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.TRI-ADA> This subdirectory contains the results generated by and other materials related to the "Hands-on Ada Workshop and Programming Contest", Tutorial 2 at the TRI-Ada '88 (tm) conference sponsored by ACM/SIGAda from October 24 to October 27, 1988. "Objectives: Evaluate designs and Ada implementations of a small, non-trivial sensor monitoring problem Provide a forum for Ada language experts and embedded system practitioners to jointly explore the Ada process while producing actual code." ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.VIRTERM> This subdirectory contains tools for a virtual terminal package, which performs screen-oriented functions by reading terminal characteristics from a UNIX-like TERMCAP data base. The application program can call routines in these packages and not be concerned with the type of terminal being addressed. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<ADA.WIS-ADA-TOOLS> This subdirectory contains information about the software tools submitted by the Naval Oceans Systems Center (NOSC). An abstract of the tools is included. These tools were paid for by WIS (WWMCCS Information Systems). ------------------------------------------ PD2:<STARS> This top-level directory contains software created under the STARS (Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems) Foundations contracts. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<STARS.X-WINDOWS> This subdirectory contains an Ada-to-X Windows binding. The current release of the Ada-to-X binding is contained in this directory. Previous releases of the Ada-to-X binding are located in PD2:<STARS.XW-ARCHIVE>. Derivation : MIT X Window System, V11.R2 This Ada language binding to the X Window System inherits the MIT copyright. The following copyright must be included in all software utilizing this binding. Copyright 1985, 1986, 1987 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<STARS.XW-ARCHIVE> This subdirectory contains an Ada-to-X Windows binding. It is an archive of previous releases of the Ada-to-X binding for V11.R1 and V11.R2. The current release of the Ada-to-X binding is located in PD2:<STARS.X-WINDOWS>. See the derivation and copyright notices in PD2:<STARS.X-WINDOWS>A0READ.ME for copyright and use permission information. ------------------------------------------ PD2:<STARS.XW-ARCHIVE> This subdirectory contains an Ada-to-X Windows binding. It is an archive of previous releases of the Ada-to-X binding for V11.R1 and V11.R2. The current release of the Ada-to-X binding is located in PD2:<STARS.X-WINDOWS>. See the derivation and copyright notices in PD2:<STARS.X-WINDOWS>A0READ.ME for copyright and use permission information. ------------------------------------------ ----> OVASRSUPP.DOC, Version 1.3 <---- ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITORY SUPPORT CONTRACTOR The Management Assistance Corporation of America (MACA) provides support to the user community of the Ada Software Repository (ASR) on SIMTEL20. This support includes: 1. hardcopy distribution of the ASR Newsletter to any interested parties (government-related or otherwise), 2. hardcopy distribution of updates to the ASR Master Index to any interested parties, 3. assistance via telephone, electronic mail, and conventional mail to those users who wish to locate items in the ASR, including information on the availability of items through the IBM PC diskette distribution handled by C2MUG and SIG/M, and 4. assistance via telephone, electronic mail, and conventional mail to those users who wish to determine the status of the magtape requests they have made which are processed through MACA at White Sands. To contact MACA in order to be placed on one or both of the distributions or to request assistance, phone 505/678-3288 between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM MST. Ask for Prince Levy, Janet McKellar, David Moon, or Mannie Gamez. You may also write to MACA at the following address: Management Assistance Corporation of America PO Drawer 100 - Building T148 White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico 88002 MACA may be reached via electronic mail at: MACAWSMR@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL The Manager of the ASR may be reached at either of the following electronic mail addresses: ADA-SW-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL SW-COMP-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL