[comp.sys.amiga.graphics] iff -> gif

doubt@swordfish.rice.edu (Douglas Benjamin Triggs) (02/26/91)

I am looking for a good iff -> gif conversion program (or maybe, several
good programs).  I am planning to convert a large number of pictures, and
am looking for:

1.  Something which handles wildcards
2.  Something which supports the following iff (and not-so-iff) types:

    a.  lores, hires
    b.  nolace, interlace
    c.  ham, sham

I don't mind using more than one program to do the conversions, if necessary,
but in all cases except the case of sham pics (of which I am converting but
few), I definately need the ability to handle wildcards.



| "If I make it to breakfast, it probably means I haven't gone to sleep yet." |
|   // Douglas Triggs    |   COMPUTER IS HUNGRY.    |   doubt@owlnet.rice.edu |
| \X/  GM # 8400000E     |       PLEASE FEED.       |         Rice University |