[comp.sys.amiga.graphics] Todd Rundgren

tbissett@nstar.rn.com (Travis Bissett) (03/07/91)

Our Michiana Users Group Meeting was especially exciting this month. Not 
only did our local dealer (Tenex) show us the Video Toaster, but one member 
actually (by coincidence) brought in a sample of what people in the industry 
are doing with the Toaster. In this case it was Todd Rundgren's new music 
video by the name of "Change Myself" from his new album "2nd Wind". A club 
member who happens to leave a 6 hour tape on VH1  caught it. It looks mighty 
good even to those of us who are not exactly Todd Rundgren fans. Hard to 
imagine but there were guys present too young to remeber Todd! There was a 
CompuServe (TM) posting about it, too. I won't wuote it all, but it seems 
that Allen Hastings was technical consultant for Todd on this. Who better? 
But one part is worth quoting --

"Todd estimates that the Toaster accomplished what would have taken 4 to 5 
months and over $250,000 with conventional 3D equipment."
 . . .
"The video consists of well over 7,000 frames rendered . . . at a resolution 
of 1536 x 960 in 16.8 million possible colors. The entire video was created 
in less than 5 weeks including modelling and rendering time. Multiple 
Toaster-equipped Amiga 2500 systems were used to accelerate the rendering to 
meet the ambitious production schedule."

Well, I hope those of you who are interested in such things get a chance to 
see it.

-- Travis --

Travis Bissett                       NSTAR conferencing site 219-289-0287
internet: tbissett@nstar.rn.com              1300 newsgroups - 8 inbound lines
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