drew@cgou11.enet.dec.com (Steve Drew) (03/08/91)
------------------- For those that may be interested I managed to modify Fuzzy BitMap to read 24 Bit IFF pics. I sent a copy of the modified fliff.c file to author of FBM utility. Now owning a DCTV I wanted to be able to move files from amiga 24 BIT (736 x 482) to GIF 640 x 480 without going thru ham mode and losing resolution and color loss. (since ham is only 320 by 400). Anyone interested in the modified fliff.c just drop me a line. And others have asked 'what is the 24 bit IFF format' well its just 24 plane ILBM BODY with no CMAP (of course) with the first 8 planes being RED, then GREEN then BLUE rgb values to get 24 bits. Still Thumbs up for DCTV!!! /Steve. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steve Drew: drew%cgou11.enet.dec.com@decwrl.dec.com Phone : 403-295-HELP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~