[comp.sys.amiga.graphics] DKBTrace

dbuck@ccs.carleton.ca (Dave Buck) (04/17/91)

I'd like to apologize for the delays and poor response I've been providing on
DKBTrace updates.  I've been extremely busy at work and I've had very little
time to work on DKBTrace or to reply to mail messages (which are on a totally
different system than the one I use at work).  If you've sent me a message
and I haven't replied to you, please be patient.  I hope to clear the backlog
this weekend.

The current status of DKBTrace is this:

I was just about to release version 2.10 officially on the weekend when I was
informed that someone had added quartic surface support to DKB and that it was
ready to include into version 2.10.  This allows you to render torus' and
other neat fourth-order surfaces.  Unfortunately, the code suffers from some
small accuracy problems and is somewhat slower than it could be.  I'm currently
trying to replace the quartic solving code, but I'm having a few problems
making it work.  If I don't get it working by Friday, I'll release it as is.

Bottom line:

Version 2.11 (the updated version of 2.10) should be ready and available late
this weekend on all platforms I currently support (IBM, Amiga, UNIX) along
with files for the Mac which I haven't tried but should work.  This will be
an official release.

Once version 2.11 is released, I don't plan on doing any more work on
DKBTrace myself.  Instead, a group has been formed on CompuServe to
take the program and build on it to create a program called STAR-Light.
This program will remain freely distributable and will remain as portable as
possible.  Once the group has been started officially, I'll be providing the
name of a contact there.

I'm still trying to organize mailing lists, but it seems that someone else
has beat me to the punch and started one already.  I'll be providing more
details in the official 2.11 announcement.

Thanks for all your interest and support.  It's been a fun project.

David Buck

| David Buck                    | My employer is not responsible for|
| dbuck@ccs.carleton.ca         | my opinions.  I'm not even sure   |
|                               | I am.                             |