(Scott Busse) (04/23/91)
I must agree with Neil on the sad fills in DCTV paint. I took some sample images made with DCTV home and loaded them into a Mimetics Framebuffer (also an NTSC burdened device :) and the filled areas looked terrible with severe banding everywhere. It looked good on the DCTV, but it was fuzzier looking too. Neil, you may have missed my earlier post about the new price of the Firecracker, but last time I checked with Impulse, it was $999 for the 2 meg version. Give them a call. The paint program is still not finished though. It's pretty basic right now. Draw lines, boxes etc. -- * Scott Busse email: O O O_ _ ___ ..... * CIS 73040,2114 ||| /|\ /\ O/\_ / O )=| * scott_busse@mindlink.UUCP l | | |\ / \ /\ _\ * Live Long and Animate... \