[comp.sys.amiga.graphics] How do I use UcoplistInit,Cmove,Cwait and Cbump ????

dmathies@cernvax.cern.ch ( ) (06/18/91)

Hi there,
could someone please explain me how i can use these 4 functions from the graphic
library to insert my own copperlist in a view structure ? what i want to do
is the following :

I open my own custom screen and i want to install a bunch of copper inst inside	
it , but how can i manage that ???? is it like :

	lea	MyOwnUcopList,a0
	moveq #40,d0    ; let say i want 40 inst.
	jsr	InitUCopList(a6)
	move.w	#$180,d0
	move.w	#$00f,d1
	jsr		Cmove(a6)	
	jsr		Cbump(a6)


	and on and on until

	move.w	#10000,d0
	move.w	#255,d1
	jsr		Cwait(a6)
	jsr		Cwait(a6)

	then i put a0 in the UCoplist pointer of the Viewport and i call MrgCop ??

	Help me please, i miss the RKM and for once i'd like to do some
   system friendly programming instead of my usual blast it all stuff ...

					I need HELP,

			Thanks a lot,please e-mail any reply to
			because i'm, using a friend account to type this in.


[Tremondous Huge sig file ommitted ... !]