[comp.sys.amiga.graphics] DCTV/Animation questions

jet@karazm.math.uh.edu (J Eric Townsend) (06/20/91)

How's DCTV for animation?  We're doing some small-color hi-res evolutions
that we'd like to put onto videotape, does DCTV have a higher-than-amiga
resolution that animates well?  We'd like to do some 10sec clips as
test runs.

Normally, I'd use a genlock and videotape controller, but all my
Amiga gear got stolen and I haven't replaced everything yet.
(Got a good VTR and a A3000, it's a start.)

J. Eric Townsend - jet@uh.edu - bitnet: jet@UHOU - vox: (713) 749-2126
Skate UNIX! (curb fault: skater dumped)

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