[comp.sys.amiga.audio] Sampler software

arisb@eceu00.ece.ncsu.edu (Aris A Buinevicius) (01/24/91)

        I was wondering whether anyone had ever used a program
called Midi Sample Wrench before.  I'm about to buy an EPS16+
sampler and was wondering if it would be able to 'trade' samples
between other brands (for example the EMU EMAXII).  Also, I am
wondering if anyone has ever used this application for the
EPS16+ under the normal EPS mode (supposedly the specifications
for downloading samples are the same between the two models).

        Also, I was just wondering if there was any other
application that operated on 16 bit samplers at all (possibly
Synthia Professional??) with wave editing capabilities like
the 8 bit Amiga samplers (personally I have Perfect Sound).

Thanks alot
Aris Buinevicius 
"Taking liberties with physics can result in    %       Aris Buinevicius
 attractive, memorable, and useful pictures!"   %   FREE THE BALTIC
          - Foley, van Dam, et al,              %       Sveiks Lietuva!! 
     Comp.Graphics:Principles & Practice        % arisb@eceugs.ece.ncsu.edu