[comp.sys.amiga.audio] allo...muzik? sent by USmail

widyono@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Aasmodeus) (02/19/91)

Subject: stntmed mods

Sorry, csamisc readers, mail bounced (my mailer doesn't understand this

TO: wybbs!telstr!dlnghrst@sharkey.cc.umich.edu

storm = 84K
rainynight = 214K
raggtime = 147K
pumpupjam = 162K (rap)
kilsje_paa_klisje = 224K
batdance = 264K
axelf = 101K
2001 = 149K (last 2 mod's are MED format, last one is really 2010)
these are my favorites though I have many more which add up to
2.8MB.  Send what you want with the disks (if you are still interested).

Don't worry too much about service charge (though it would be nice, I'm
also a college student (read -$$) :)

BTW, I can lharc all of the above to (I'm very sure of this) less than
one disk, so if that's all you want, just one disk will suffice.


Daniel Widyono  'Aas'    <. .>      ________SEAS: BE (+ CSE hopeful)
3450 Chestnut St.  Box 86  .    __ //only  /widyono @ eniac.seas.upenn.edu
Philadelphia, PA, 19104   \_/    \X/ Amiga/ I voted 4 Bill & Opus too. Darn.