[comp.sys.amiga.audio] HELP: Format for sound files

groleau@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu (Francois Groleau) (03/14/91)

I must now choose a project for a Speech Comm course.
I was thinking of writing some kind of spectogram
display program (time on one axis, frequency on the
other, and grey-level intensity for amplitude).

I am not familiar with the 8SVX IFF format which I
believe is the standard handled by all those common
sound digitizers (or am I wrong?).  Anyway, I would
like to have an easy way to go from 8SVX to a nice
array of samples on which I can perform some Fourier

Any advice on how to do this conversion from 8SVX to
array of samples will be welcome.  Reply either through
the net or to: <groleau@moe.mcrcim.mcgill.edu>

Francois Groleau |  Going on means going far...  |     // Only Amiga!
McRCIM           |  ...going far means returning |    //
McGill University|                               |\\ //   Proud owner of an
Montreal, Canada |<groleau@moe.mcrcim.mcgill.edu>| \X/    Amiga 3000!