[comp.sys.amiga.audio] Sparc sounds to Amiga?

t22918@ursa.calvin.edu (Matt Ranney) (03/02/91)

I've got some soundfiles on our SparcStation that I'd like to convert
to iff/8SVX/whatever you want to call them on the Amiga.  Are there
any programs out there that will do this?  I know iff2ulaw goes _TO_ a
Sparc, but I want to go the other way.

Matt Ranney                mranney@wybbs.mi.org           		
t22918@ursa.calvin.edu     mranney@mole.ai.mit.edu (or any other FSF machine)

nikolai@guru.pub.uu.oz.au (nikolai kingsley) (03/16/91)

> to iff/8SVX/whatever you want to call them on the Amiga.  Are there
> any programs out there that will do this?  I know iff2ulaw goes _TO_ a
> Sparc, but I want to go the other way.
you could try Audio Engineer... it reads raw sounds, so it may do the 
sparc ones... although it won't read Mac files.  who cares?
i think audio engineer is being marketed in the us as audiomaster III.

             ____ __ ___       ____
 predator   /   // // _ \ /\  / _ |   if you don't feel pain,
  saints   /    ~_// (/ //  \ \ ~ |    then how do know that
   O:-)   /   /\ \ \   // /\ \/ /||    you are still alive?
          ~~~~  ~~  ~~~ ~~  ~~~~ ~~