(ATOMIC PLAYBOY) (03/26/91)
Just a short message th say thanks to all the people world wide who replied to my little message. I had a hard time setting up all of the replies so i hope some of you don't mind if my replies were a little brief. The latest developmentin sending my modules is that the help desk can't help me but there is an on line amiga on campus. IN THE 400 HONOURS ROOM. god knows when i can get access to that but i will do my best. for all those others, if you want stuff A.S.A.P, perhaps you should mail me some disks??- don't worry, i won't forget i got them,it's just that it may take some time to copy all of the modules and/or sounds. the whole system is about 34 disks. there are 14 [i think] module disks. All operate on noisetracker. I have only 1.1, anyone want to send me something better???? Well, i got comp. sci next... wot a drag. mail u now, read you later ATOMIC PLAYBOY. **I DON'T CARE IF MY EMPLOYER GETS WIND OF THIS SO NEERRRRRR!!!!!** ****************PSYCHO INDUSTRIES PTY.LTD.*************************