[comp.sys.amiga.audio] Another midi schematic for 2000

gardner@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Mike Gardner) (04/08/91)

I've uploaded a text and lharc file to ab20 in incoming/amiga/MIDI.  The file
newmidischem.txt has a parts list and some description and newmidischem.lhz
has a lharc compressed IFF file with a high-res 2 color schematic diagram.

The other midi schematic wouldn't work on my 2000hd and this one does.  If
that helps you, Great!  If not, send in a better one!
 .+|+,		 CCC   SS   OO
 +-*-+		C     S    O  O   NETWORKING: ubiquitous, demanded,
 `+|+' +	C       S  O  O   demanding, misunderstood.
   +-##-+	 CCC  SS    OO
  +-#  #-+	University of Illinois, Computing Services Office
   +-##-+	1304 W Springfield, Urbana, Il 61801
    + .+|+,	Michael G. Gardner, Assistant Director, 1122 DCL
      +-*-+	(217)244-0914    gardner@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
      `+|+'	FAX (217)244-7089