[comp.sys.amiga.audio] Module Players

ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A. Mesander) (04/07/91)

>In article <1991Apr7.233441.15724@leland.Stanford.EDU> bard@jessica.stanford.edu (David Hopper) writes:
>I would like to know if there is anyone who is successfully using a
>module player in a multitasking environment.

No, they all seem to be buggy as hell. If they don't crash, they frag
memory. If they don't frag memory, then they leak it. If they don't leak
it, they suck up 50% of the CPU. If they don't do that, then they play too
fast on an NTSC machine. Grr...

>  With my finally acquiring
>IntuiTracker 1.2, I though the bugs would all be worked out.  It still
>gurus if you use any terminal program, which is unacceptable.  Here are
>the module players I have used:

I've tried those, and some others. Intuitracker does have my favorite
interface, but it's buggier than crazy. The version I have conflicts with
the serial port, and slowly eats up chip memory without returning it as

>Dave Hopper      |     /// Anthro Creep  | Academic Info Resources, Stanford

Can someone figure out how to make a working module player? Please?

| ben@epmooch.UUCP   (Ben Mesander)       | "Cash is more important than |
| ben%servalan.UUCP@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu |  your mother." - Al Shugart, |
| !chinet!uokmax!servalan!epmooch!ben     |  CEO, Seagate Technologies   |

ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A. Mesander) (04/08/91)

>In article <1991Apr9.032949.9379@engin.umich.edu> duck@engin.umich.edu (Ho Han Chyi Howard) writes:
>In article <ben.5754@epmooch.UUCP>, ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A.
>Mesander) writes:
>|> I've tried those, and some others. Intuitracker does have my favorite
>|> interface, but it's buggier than crazy. The version I have conflicts with
>|> the serial port, and slowly eats up chip memory without returning it as
>|> well.
>Have a life - get a PAL machine! (Alternatively get the fattest Agnus and go
>PAL by cutting the J102 on your motherboard. (I think -> don't quote me on the
>jumper number. And OF COURSE doing that violates your warrenty!) I did it and
>It works!)

I don't think you can do this on an Amiga 1000. Have a life! Anyone who puts
"no flames please" and then posts like this is a dweeb.

>As for Serial ports, well that's because of the way the timming is done.
>You can't escape from that. Unless you have a bridgeboard and get a cheapo
>2400 baud modem on the PC side. (he he. . . no probs!)

It *is* because of the way the timing is done. The author of Intuitracker
is using a CIA timer that is reserved by the OS. He needs to use the other
CIA timer, and the problem should go away. So you *can* escape that. Gee,
why don't you come over and install a BB in my 1000 so I can use a modem
and play music at the same time? Have a life!

[12 line .sig deleted]
| ben@epmooch.UUCP   (Ben Mesander)       | "Cash is more important than |
| ben%servalan.UUCP@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu |  your mother." - Al Shugart, |
| !chinet!uokmax!servalan!epmooch!ben     |  CEO, Seagate Technologies   |

bard@jessica.stanford.edu (David Hopper) (04/08/91)

I would like to know if there is anyone who is successfully using a
module player in a multitasking environment.  With my finally acquiring
IntuiTracker 1.2, I though the bugs would all be worked out.  It still
gurus if you use any terminal program, which is unacceptable.  Here are
the module players I have used:

IntuiTracker 1.1 and 1.2
ModulePlayer 1.7 (is that the name?)
Player (CLI-based, no multitasking allowed)
XTPlayer (good, but no multiple-selection and still crashes
Another CLI-based player that locks up the machine and gurus upon
	  exiting (I don't recall the name)

My system is a rev 5.0 1-meg chip A500.  I am planning on bringing it up
to 5 or 7 megs this summer, and I'd like to know if all I need for
IntuiTracker 1.2 (a terrific interface-- my favorite) is some fast ram.

Can anyone offer some feedback?  Can the author of IntuiTracker be
contacted via the Net, or Snail, or phone (I'm desparate, here) or is he
already aware of the comm-program lock-up bug?

I'm beginning to think that the nature of mod. files is incompatible
with stable multitasking.  Any ideas?

Dave Hopper      |     /// Anthro Creep  | Academic Info Resources, Stanford
                 |__  ///     .   .      | Macincrap/UNIX Consultant
bard@jessica.    |\\\///     Ia! Ia!     | -- Just remember: love is life, and
   Stanford.EDU  | \XX/  Shub-Niggurath! | hate is living death. :Black Sabbath

duck@engin.umich.edu (Ho Han Chyi Howard) (04/09/91)

In article <ben.5754@epmooch.UUCP>, ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A.
Mesander) writes:
|> I've tried those, and some others. Intuitracker does have my favorite
|> interface, but it's buggier than crazy. The version I have conflicts with
|> the serial port, and slowly eats up chip memory without returning it as
|> well.

Have a life - get a PAL machine! (Alternatively get the fattest Agnus and go
PAL by cutting the J102 on your motherboard. (I think -> don't quote me on the
jumper number. And OF COURSE doing that violates your warrenty!) I did it and
It works!)

As for Serial ports, well that's because of the way the timming is done.
You can't escape from that. Unless you have a bridgeboard and get a cheapo
2400 baud modem on the PC side. (he he. . . no probs!)

|> >Dave Hopper      |     /// Anthro Creep  | Academic Info Resources,
|> Can someone figure out how to make a working module player? Please?
|> --
|> | ben@epmooch.UUCP   (Ben Mesander)       | "Cash is more important than |
|> | ben%servalan.UUCP@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu |  your mother." - Al Shugart, |
|> | !chinet!uokmax!servalan!epmooch!ben     |  CEO, Seagate Technologies   |

							No flames please,
							Howard Ho

*                                                                             *
*       Name:      Ho Han Chyi Howard                     ********            *
*       Address:   1309 S. University Apt #1             *** *******          *
*                  Ann Arbor, MI 48104                  ***     *****         *
*       Telephone: local       (313)996-1875            (|  o   o  |)         *
*                  remote      0-11-65-253-1581          |    ^    |          *
*                  (Singpore.Equator.SE-Asia.World)       \   _   /           *
*       eMail:     duck@caen.engin.umich.edu                \   /             *
*                  6VBN@ub.cc.umich.edu                      ---              *
*                                                                             *

espie@flamingo.Stanford.EDU (Marc Espie) (04/09/91)

In article <ben.5754@epmooch.UUCP> ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A. Mesander) writes:
[most deleted]
>Can someone figure out how to make a working module player? Please?
I'm working on that. Please be patient... decoding hacker routines and replacing
them with decent coding practice is not completely evident.
	Marc Espie (espie@flamingo.stanford.edu)

mjr@calvin.edu (Matt Ranney;957-6635;;754-8123;Amiga 500) (04/09/91)

espie@flamingo.Stanford.EDU (Marc Espie) writes:
>>Can someone figure out how to make a working module player? Please?
>I'm working on that. Please be patient... decoding hacker routines and replacing
>them with decent coding practice is not completely evident.

Well, that makes 3 people that I've heard are working on modplayer programs.
Someday, we Amiga users are going to be flooded with modplayers.  Until then,
we can only hope that those fine authors will hurry up and release a program
that we desperately need.  

BTW, any authors out there, if it would speed things up, I'd be willing to
test any beta versions of players you might have. 

Matt Ranney  -  t22918@ursa.calvin.edu

bard@jessica.stanford.edu (David Hopper) (04/10/91)

In article <ben.5774@epmooch.UUCP> ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A. Mesander) writes:
>>In article <1991Apr9.032949.9379@engin.umich.edu> duck@engin.umich.edu (Ho Han Chyi Howard) writes:
>>In article <ben.5754@epmooch.UUCP>, ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A.
>>Mesander) writes:
>>[PAL crud deleted]
>>As for Serial ports, well that's because of the way the timming is done.
>>You can't escape from that. Unless you have a bridgeboard and get a cheapo
>>2400 baud modem on the PC side. (he he. . . no probs!)
>It *is* because of the way the timing is done. The author of Intuitracker
>is using a CIA timer that is reserved by the OS. He needs to use the other
>CIA timer, and the problem should go away. So you *can* escape that.

This is an easy fix, right?  Can anyone with a disassembler save Mr.
Triumph the trouble and recompile it using the other CIA? ;-) 
[nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, say no more]

>[12 line .sig deleted]

>| ben@epmooch.UUCP   (Ben Mesander)       | "Cash is more important than |

Dave Hopper      |     /// Anthro Creep  | Academic Info Resources, Stanford
                 |__  ///     .   .      | Macincrap/UNIX Consultant
bard@jessica.    |\\\///     Ia! Ia!     | -- Just remember: love is life, and
   Stanford.EDU  | \XX/  Shub-Niggurath! | hate is living death. :Black Sabbath

hill@evax.arl.utexas.edu (Adam Hill) (04/11/91)

In article <mjr.671171775@utopia> mjr@calvin.edu (Matt Ranney;957-6635;;754-8123;Amiga 500) writes:

>Well, that makes 3 people that I've heard are working on modplayer programs.
>Someday, we Amiga users are going to be flooded with modplayers.  Until then,
>we can only hope that those fine authors will hurry up and release a program
>that we desperately need.  
    Make that FOUR people working on one. Randy Jouett (from BIX) is
working on a ST/NT and MED player with an AREXX port. He writes in
assembly and is befuddled with REALLY bad coding practices. He has
dissasembled a few demos and was appalled with the quality.... Now we
know why Euro games only work on 512K 500's

  (Insert liberal :-) )

>Matt Ranney  -  t22918@ursa.calvin.edu

 adam hill --  hill@evax.uta.edu        ASOCC - University of Texas at UTA
     I programmed for three days          Make Up Your Own Mind.. AMIGA!
     And heard no human voices.              Amiga... Multimedia NOW!  
     But the hard disk sang. - TZoP              Born To Run SVR4

jimb@faatcrl.UUCP (Jim Burwell) (04/12/91)

mjr@calvin.edu (Matt Ranney;957-6635;;754-8123;Amiga 500) writes:

>Well, that makes 3 people that I've heard are working on modplayer programs.
>Someday, we Amiga users are going to be flooded with modplayers.  Until then,
>we can only hope that those fine authors will hurry up and release a program
>that we desperately need.  

Well, help me make a descision:

Should I release a pre-release version of Trackplay (like 1.0beta1), or
should I completely finish it and release 1.0 ?

If I release the "pre-release" version:

1.  There will be two-versions, one which uses a timer from CIA A,
    which will work right on 1.3 machines without effecting 
    serial input, and the other which uses a timer from CIA B which
    will work on 2.0 machines, but will probably cause data to be
    lost on 68000 machines running 2.0 (not many :-).

2.  It will have a good MMD0 module loader, and a robust but far from
    perfect ST/NT module loader.  I thought I had my ST/NT module
    loader working perfectly, then, like usuall, I found some modules
    which is choked on :-|.  I'm working on that now.  It presently
    handles 15 and 31 inst. ST/NT modules, 4 voice Startrekker
    (FLT4) modules.

3.  My own, and a friends testing has found the program to be extremely
    stable.  My friend and I havn't had a crash which was the fault of
    trackplay yet (except during development).  I can literally let it
    play modules all day (I have about that many modules :-) without it
    crashing.  Of course, there will probably be 1000 people reporting
    crashes due to trackplay anyway (whether it really was my fault or 
    not :-).

4.  It will not support some of the Med 3 thingies.

If I wait until I have it "done" to my liking:

1.  I won't have a zillion people saying "it doesn't work", or "it doesn't
    have THIS feature", etc, etc, even though it's a beta version.

2.  It will support Med 3.00 stuff (btw, the appregio bug is still not fixed
    in Med 3.00).

3.  It will have all the features I intend to put into it.

4.  It will possibly use a better timing scheme, hopefully ending the need
    for two different versions, if my scheme works.

5.  It will load every module I can test perfectly (you don't know what a
    pain these things are.  There IS no standard, or, more accurately, there
    seems to be multiple standards).

6.  and much, much, more!

Well.  What, u think ?

Shall I wait, or release it in beta form ?

(somehow I know what the answer will be :-)

+--------------------------+      _  
|INET:  jimb@faatcrl.uucp  |     | \
|UUCP:  ..!rutgers!faatcrl!|    _|  \______________________________________
|      jimb                |   - ______        ________________          \_`,
+------------------------- + -(_______            -=    -=        USAF       ) 
                                                -   -
                                               -   -
                                    `   . .  -  -
                                     .*` .* ;`*,`.,
                                      `, ,`.*.*. * 
 ______________________________________*  * ` ^ *____________________________

mjr@utopia.calvin.edu (Matt Ranney) (04/13/91)

jimb@faatcrl.UUCP (Jim Burwell) writes:

>Should I release a pre-release version of Trackplay (like 1.0beta1), or
>should I completely finish it and release 1.0 ?

[stuff it might not do deleted]

>If I wait until I have it "done" to my liking:

>1.  I won't have a zillion people saying "it doesn't work", or "it doesn't
>    have THIS feature", etc, etc, even though it's a beta version.

That's their problem.  If people knowingly use a beta release of a program,
then they should realize that they might find some stuff that doesn't work.

But, if you, as the author, don't feel good about releasing your product 
until it's finished, then that's your decision.  Although, it seems like
there is quite a demand for a more-working trackplayer and people don't 
seem to mind a few bugs now and then. 

>Well.  What, u think ?

>Shall I wait, or release it in beta form ?

>(somehow I know what the answer will be :-)

A resounding "YES!"
Matt Ranney  -  t22918@ursa.calvin.edu

koleman@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Kurt "Koleman" Koller) (04/15/91)

>It *is* because of the way the timing is done. The author of Intuitracker
>is using a CIA timer that is reserved by the OS. He needs to use the other
>CIA timer, and the problem should go away. So you *can* escape that. Gee,
>why don't you come over and install a BB in my 1000 so I can use a modem
>and play music at the same time? Have a life!
>[12 line .sig deleted]
>| ben@epmooch.UUCP   (Ben Mesander)       | "Cash is more important than |
>| ben%servalan.UUCP@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu |  your mother." - Al Shugart, |
>| !chinet!uokmax!servalan!epmooch!ben     |  CEO, Seagate Technologies   |

Actually, using CIAB does not solve the problem.  The reason it boms i that he
is doing a bset to clear the interrupt, which clears all the interrupts,
including serial.  I know, I'm having the same problem with my player. 
Actually, if you are talking about Intuitracker, you're dead wrong, because
IntuiTracker uses the Vertical Blank interrupt, and not CIAs at all.

---------------------------  _  _   _   _     ___  __  __    _    __   _
| Kurt "Koleman" Koller   | ( )/ ) /,\ ( )   ( __)(  \/  )  ( )  (  \ ( )
| P.O. Box 50656          | (   \ (   )( )__ ( __)( )\/( ) (_|_) ( )\\( )
| Mendota, MN  55150-0656 | (_)\_) \_/ (____)(___)(_)  (_)(_) ( )(_) \__)
UUCP: {crash tcnet}!orbit!pnet51!koleman
INET: koleman@pnet51.orb.mn.org

ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A. Mesander) (04/15/91)

>In article <4616@orbit.cts.com> koleman@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Kurt "Koleman" Koller) writes:
[Re: intuitracker]

>Actually, using CIAB does not solve the problem.  The reason it boms i that he
>is doing a bset to clear the interrupt, which clears all the interrupts,
>including serial.  I know, I'm having the same problem with my player. 

Well, so what's keeping you from doing it the right way? :-)

>Actually, if you are talking about Intuitracker, you're dead wrong, because
>IntuiTracker uses the Vertical Blank interrupt, and not CIAs at all.

So it does:
0002ccd8 0002ccf8 0002cd50   10 S E Vert.Blank IntuiTracker (from xoper)

I have source to another tracker that uses vblank, and it doesn't crash
the system during serial I/O. As I understand it, using the VBLANK int
for this sort of thing is not considered a good idea. The overhead is
very high, and you run into the PAL vs. NTSC timing thing.

| ben@epmooch.UUCP   (Ben Mesander)       | "Cash is more important than |
| ben%servalan.UUCP@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu |  your mother." - Al Shugart, |
| !chinet!uokmax!servalan!epmooch!ben     |  CEO, Seagate Technologies   |

davidc@contact.uucp (Ice Weasel) (04/18/91)

In article <4616@orbit.cts.com> koleman@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Kurt "Koleman" Koller) writes:
>Actually, using CIAB does not solve the problem.  The reason it boms i that he
>is doing a bset to clear the interrupt, which clears all the interrupts,
>including serial.  I know, I'm having the same problem with my player. 
>Actually, if you are talking about Intuitracker, you're dead wrong, because
>IntuiTracker uses the Vertical Blank interrupt, and not CIAs at all.

Indeed... People don't seem to realize that these type of programs
were devised to enable software (read: GAME) programmers to add nice
soundtracks, and they're all oriented around the VBI's... 

I own T.F.M.X. and it's also based on the VBI.  Sometimes a bit hard
to program with, but the end result is very nice!
Dave Carlton (davidc@ziebmef.mef.org!white.toronto.edu)
"There's more than one way to skin a cat", Lydia thought, as she
nailed the little paws to the dissection board... Richard Deming

koleman@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Kurt "Koleman" Koller) (04/23/91)

davidc@contact.uucp (Ice Weasel) writes:
>In article <4616@orbit.cts.com> koleman@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Kurt "Koleman" Koller) writes:
>>Actually, using CIAB does not solve the problem.  The reason it boms i that he
>>is doing a bset to clear the interrupt, which clears all the interrupts,
>>including serial.  I know, I'm having the same problem with my player. 
>>Actually, if you are talking about Intuitracker, you're dead wrong, because
>>IntuiTracker uses the Vertical Blank interrupt, and not CIAs at all.
>Indeed... People don't seem to realize that these type of programs
>were devised to enable software (read: GAME) programmers to add nice
>soundtracks, and they're all oriented around the VBI's... 
>I own T.F.M.X. and it's also based on the VBI.  Sometimes a bit hard
>to program with, but the end result is very nice!
>Dave Carlton (davidc@ziebmef.mef.org!white.toronto.edu)
>"There's more than one way to skin a cat", Lydia thought, as she
>nailed the little paws to the dissection board... Richard Deming

Yep.  I have a modified Med player that uses CIAB, and then disable the OS,
and manually set the CIAB on.  I find that one has to write code SO tight that
it gets in and out in one scanline, or you end up with jerky graphics.  No
problem with Vertical Blank interrupts.  It just all goes in the Vertical
Blank, hence no jerkiness.  Now we need a horizontal blanking interrupt, and
write code tight enough to fit there :^>  Heh.

---------------------------  _  _   _   _     ___  __  __    _    __   _
| Kurt "Koleman" Koller   | ( )/ ) /,\ ( )   ( __)(  \/  )  ( )  (  \ ( )
| P.O. Box 50656          | (   \ (   )( )__ ( __)( )\/( ) (_|_) ( )\\( )
| Mendota, MN  55150-0656 | (_)\_) \_/ (____)(___)(_)  (_)(_) ( )(_) \__)
UUCP: {crash tcnet}!orbit!pnet51!koleman
INET: koleman@pnet51.orb.mn.org