[comp.sys.amiga.audio] MIDI Survey question...

kamran@dialogic.com (Kamran Vaziri) (04/23/91)

I have a question for everyone interested in MIDI in the net world.

Is there a strong interest out there for a good MIDI interface (i.e. 1 in, 
1 thru, >1 outs) at a reasonable cost (<$30), maybe even a kit for less?

I would really appreciate a reply.  Even a short yes or no would be great.


Kamran  -  kamran@dialogic.com

D-L-K@cup.portal.com (Patrick Andreas Maher) (04/29/91)

That sounds pretty good to me.  Around 30 for a MIDI interface that
will allow you just to hook up a keyboard and do some things with
it would be a good idea.  There are a few users in my area that would
probably go for that instread of spending a lot of money to buy one
of the new expensive ones that does everythings.  They just want to be
able to hook up there keyboard and mess around with it.

whinery@hale.ifa.hawaii.edu (Alan Whinery) (04/30/91)

In article <1991Apr23.153930.7013@dialogic.com> kamran@dialogic.com (Kamran Vaziri) writes:

>Is there a strong interest out there for a good MIDI interface (i.e. 1 in, 
>1 thru, >1 outs) at a reasonable cost (<$30), maybe even a kit for less?
>Kamran  -  kamran@dialogic.com

There are already several working projects available. Check ab20.
I have an interface which I built for about $10 a couple of years


|  D. Alan Whinery| The Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii   |
| Technical Genius| Internet: whinery@hale.ifa.hawaii.edu               |
| Potential Writer| 71350.3005@compuserve.com

LDSHANER@MTUS5.BITNET (Leon D. Shaner) (05/02/91)

The one I built a couple of years ago has 1-in, 1-thru, and 3-outs and only
cost about $10.00...  That includes the 5, 5-Pin DIN's, several resistors, a
hex invertor buffer, opto-coupler, 12 down to 5V voltage transistor(convertor),
an excellent aluminum box to house it all, a piece of perf-board, a length of
four conductor shielded wire, plus 25-pin DB connector...

This is no "hack" job, it not only performs superbly, but it even looks
professional...  It was based on the readily (amicus) available pd schematics,
and I think a newer version has been posted to ab20 with the Amiga2000 mods...

The shematics I used were for the Amiga1000, and just required a different
gender for the DB25, plus the voltage drop transitor (since the 2000 has only
a 12 volt output, unlike the A1000's 5 and 12 volt outputs...)

Both shematics are also available for file request from my BBS at 1:139/950
or you can call direct, but validation is necesary, so you might want to leave
me e-mail so I can set the account up ahead of time...  The files are MIDI.LZH
for the A1000 and NEWMIDISCHEM.LZH for the A2000/500

Hope this helps...

| Leon D. Shaner - EE Undergrad   / Amiga Bitswap Central Dispatch  /
| <LDSHANER@MTUS5.BITNET>        / (906)482-8248  - DLG PRO! BETA  /
| <abcd!Leon@balance.cs.mtu.edu>/ HST DS [FIDO 1:139/950] 2 LINES!/