[comp.sys.amiga.audio] Wanted Digital Mugician

s117986@cc.tut.fi (Janne Salmij{rvi) (05/22/91)

Few days ago I saw an intro (JetSet intro) with the greatest synthsounds on
amiga. So I starter ripping that module and after awhile I noticed it was made
with a totally unknown (to me) musiceditor. There was this text in the module:
MUGICIAN SOFTEYES 1990. And today I read from Noiseplayer3.5 docs that it is
Digital Mugician (I think that must be the same, two different people can't
spell musician that way ;)  ). 
So where can I get this (an ftp-site ?) or is it purely a commercial product ?
In anycase any information would be appreciated.
Answer by email 'cos I can't read this newsgroup as often as I'd like to.
		Thanks in advance

					Janne Salmij{rvi