(David Hopper) (05/27/91)
Okay, I finally got off my duff and re-uploaded talk.lzh to New Xanth
(boy, I dig that name!).
'Talk' is a program that allows one to use their own sampled phonemes in
lieu of the Amiga's synthesized ones. Written by John Sherling, the
source for the 'talk' program is included, so you can see how it's
done. The talk binary is given the name of any file as an argument
(whether binary or ascii) and will then read the included phonemes in
conjunction with the translator.library.
John included the whole set of phonemes recorded in his own voice. You
can change them if you have an audio digitizer.
Dave Hopper | /// Anthro Creep | Academic Info Resources, Stanford
|__ /// . . | and NeXT Campus Consultant
bard@jessica. |\\\/// Ia! Ia! | -- Just remember: love is life, and
Stanford.EDU | \XX/ Shub-Niggurath! | hate is living death. :Black Sabbath