[comp.sys.amiga.applications] A3000 Compatibility List -- 236 programs listed

shambarg@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Scott Shambarger ) (03/01/91)

			Program Compatibility List


			>> The Amiga 3000
			>> The Amiga 2500/20 & /30
			>> Operating System 2.x
			>> Hard Drive Installation 


	   This is the most complete program, game, and utility list I have 
	been able to compile to date (03/01/91).  Please feel free to add 
	to it, or more conveniently, please send any additions, alterations,
	or updates to me at my e-mail address,

			(good through May, 1991)

	I will try to post an updated list as time permits.  I will also
	be scouring BBS's in search of other lists I can combine with
	this one.  I hope this list can be useful to high-speed Amiga
	users everywhere.

	(By the way, the list below contains 236 programs).
						Scott Shambarger 
						Univ. of Pennsylvania

  Please note:

	(1) The information in the following list is not "absolute."  I have
	done my best to leave unknown characteristics blank (-); this has left 
	much of the 2500/20 and 2500/30 columns unfilled since I don't own 
	these machines.  Please do not abandon hope of a game working on 
	the A3000 just because it is listed as non-functional here.  Why?  I
	did not test all these games myself; there may be more than one version
	on sale; or there may be a variety of 'fixes' available not listed that
	can be used to coerce the game to work.
	(2) 'ab20' refers to the FTP site: ab20.larc.nasa.gov.

  If you add to this lists, please try to stay to the following format, for
consistancy's sake.

  Program Name:

     Alphabelical even for numbers please.  Should give enough information to
	distinguish between versions, or between games that have very similar


     This should be from the following list of program types:

	Prefix with 'PD' if the program is public domain, shareware, etc.
		otherwise programs are assumed to be commercial!

	data	for supplimental data disks to commercial programs or games.
	demo	for demos of commercial programs or animations, (no need for
	draw	for paint, animation and design programs.
	game	for commercial games.
	misc	for programs not fitting in other categories.
	mulmed	for multi-media products.
	spread	for spreadsheets, databases, etc.
	word	for word processors or other text programs.


     A3000, 2500/20, 2500/30
	Y    RUNS on the machine under at least system 1.3.2, no modification
	Y:%  RUNS on the machine, but only under the certain conditions.
		Patches and other third party assistances should be footnoted.

	     Match % with:
		2   functions only under system 2.0.
		*   functions, but there are mild GRAPHIC glitches on A3000.
		**  functions, but there are SEVERE GRAPHIC glitches on A3000.
		#   PATCH required, see footnotes for what program to use, or
			how to do it yourself.
		C   CPU CACHES must be turned off for program to function.   
		BC  CPU CACHES must be turned off during the BOOT process using
			'bootcache' or some other utility that will disable the
			caches during a warm-boot.  Should be available 
			on BBS's or 'abcfd'.
		>   runs on the 3000, but game SPEED is accellerated and game
			is difficult or impossible to play.
		S   looses sound sporadically on A3000.

	N    DOES NOT RUN on the machine under any known conditions.
		(no patches, CPU settings, etc.)



	Y.%  RUNS under Kickstart 2.% where '%' is the last digits of the
		operating system release, (this at least the release under
		which the program was tested).  If '%' is absent then

	Y:%  RUNS with some PROBLEMS.

	     Match % with:
		S   Sound sometimes disappears.

	N    DOES NOT RUN under any known release of 2.%.


	Y    RUNS off a hard drive, but protection unspecified.

	Y:%  RUNS off a hard drive, qualifier specifies key disk, manual, etc.
		or whether there is a patch do make it work, (should be

	     Match % with:
		P   Runs pure, no protection.
		A   "assigns" must be made for HD copy to work.
		K   key disk required.
		M   uses a "page 21, line 7, word 5" copy from manual method.
		#   patch required, see footnote for what program to use, or
			how to do it yourself.

	N    DOES NOT INSTALL on a hard drive by ANY known means.

				     ----------------------   ------------
				            Machine        	Systems
				     ----------------------   ------------
Program Name		       Type   A3000    /20     /30     2.%     HD
---------------------------   ------ -------  -----   -----   -----   ----
A10 Tank Killer 		game	Y	-	-	-	Y
Aaargh!				game	Y	-	-	Y.02	N
Aegis Draw			draw	Y	-	-	Y	Y
Alien Syndrome			game	Y	-	-	-	Y
AmiCron				?	Y	-	-	Y	-
Amiga Karate			game	Y	-	-	N.02	N
AmigaVision			mulmed	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Amoeba Invaders			PDgame	-	Y	-	-	Y
Arazok's Tomb			game	N	-	-	N	N
Arc archiver			PDmisc	Y	Y	Y	Y.02	Y
Arkanoid			game	N	-	-	N	-
ARTM				?	Y	-	-	Y	-
ATalk III			misc	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Asteroids			PDgame	-	-	Y	-	Y
Aunt Arctic Adventure		game	N	-	-	-	N
Awesome				game	Y	-	-	N.02	N
Ballistix			game	Y:BC	-	-	Y.02	N
Bandit Kings of Ancient China	game	Y	- 	-	-	Y
Barataccus			game	Y	-	-	N.02	N
Barbarian			game	N	-	-	N.02	N
Bard's Tale			game	N	-	-	N.02	Y:A
Bard's Tale II			game	N	-	-	N.02	-
Batman: The Movie		game	Y:*	-	-	Y.02	N
Battle Chess			game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
Battle Hawks 1942		game	-	-	-	-	Y
Battle Squadron			game	N	Y	-	-	N
Battletech			PDgame	-	-	-	-	Y
Baud Bandit			misc	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Beyond Dark Castle		game	Y	-	-	-	N
Black Magic			game	N	-	-	-	N
Blood Money			game	Y:* (1)	-	-	Y	N
Breach				game	-	-	-	-	Y
Breach 2			game	-	-	-	-	Y
Borrowed Time			game	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y:A(17)
Bubble Ghost			game	Y	-	-	Y	-
Caligari Demo			demo	N	-	-	N	-
Captain Blood			game	N	-	-	N	N
Captive				game	Y	-	-	Y.02(9)	N
Chamber of Sci-Mutant Priest	game	N	-	-	-	N
Champions of Krynn		game	Y	-	-	-	Y:M
Chessmaster 2000		game	Y	-	-	Y.02	-
Chinese Chess			game	-	-	-	-	Y
Colony				game	-	-	-	-	Y
Crystal Hammer			game	Y	-	-	N	-
Crystal Quest			game	-	-	-	-	Y:A
Dark Castle			game	Y:BC	-	-	Y.02	N
Dark Century			game	N	-	-	-	N
Death Sword			game	Y:>BC	-	-	Y.02(16)N
Defender of the Crown		game	Y:BC	-	-	Y.02	N
Deja Vu				game	Y	-	-	Y.02	N
Deluxe PhotoLab			draw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Deluxe Paint III		draw	Y	-	-	Y.02(10)Y
Deluxe Video III		draw	Y	-	-	N	-
Design 3D			draw	Y	-	-	N	-
DigiPaint 3			draw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
DigiView 4.0			draw	Y:*(11)	-	-	Y	-
DNet				PDmisc	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y:A
Double Dragon			game	Y	-	-	Y.02	N
Double Dragon II		game	N	-	-	N	-
Drakkhen			game	N	-	-	-	N
Dragon Force			game	-	-	-	-	Y
Dragon's Lair:Escape from Singe	game	Y	-	-	-	Y:M
Drip				PDgame	N	-	-	N.01	Y
DriveWars			PDgame	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Dungeon Master			game	Y	-	-	N.02	Y:#K(2)
Earl Weaver Baseball		game	-	-	-	-	N
EbonStar			game	Y	-	-	N	-
Emerald Mine			game	Y	-	-	N	-
Empire 2.05 & 2.1 (Interstel)	game	Y	-	Y	Y	Y:M
Empire 1.03 (Interstel)		game	-	-	Y	-	Y
Excellence!			word	Y	-	-	Y	Y
F-16 Falcon			game	N	-	-	N	-
F-16 Mission Disk		data	N	-	-	N	-
F/A-18 Interceptor		game	Y	-	Y	Y.02	Y:#AM(3)
Fairy Tale Adventure		game	Y	-	-	N.02	N
Falcon 1.1			game	-	Y	Y	N	Y
Falcon Mission (floppy)		game	Y	-	-	N	n/a
Falcon Mission (HD)		game	Y   (8)	-	-	Y (8)	Y
Fantavision			draw	Y	-	-	Y	-
Fire Brigade			game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
Fire Power			game	Y	-	-	N.02	N
Flight Simulator		game	Y	-	-	-	Y
Footman				game	Y:>	Y	-	-	N
Future Wars			game	Y	-	-	-	Y
Galatic Predator		PDgame	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Gauntlet II			game	Y   (5)	Y	-	N	N
Gee-Bee Air Ralley		game	Y	-	-	Y.02	N
Ghostbusters II			game	Y	-	-	N	-
Grabbit				misc	Y	-	-	Y	-
Gravity Wars 2.0		game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
Gunship				game	N	-	-	-	Y:K
HardBall II			game	-	-	-	-	Y
Heart of the Dragon		game	Y	-	-	-	Y
Hostage				game	Y	-	-	Y	-
Hybris				game	N	Y	N	-	N
Imagine 1.0			draw	Y	Y	Y	Y.02	Y
Indianapolis 500		game	-	-	-	-	Y
Infocom Text Adventure		game	Y	-	-	-	Y
International Soccer		game	N	N	N	-	N
IntuiTracker			misc	Y	-	-	Y	-
Ishido				game	Y	-	-	-	Y
It Came From the Desert		game	N	Y	-	-	Y
Jetsons				game	-	Y	-	-	Y
JRComm 1.0			PDmisc	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y:A
Keef the Thief			game	-	-	-	-	Y:A
Knight Orc			game	N	-	-	N	-
Lattice C 5.10a			misc	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y:A
Leader Board Golf		game	-	Y	-	-	Y
Leather Goddesses pf Phobos	game	Y	-	-	Y	-
Leisure Suit Larry III		game	Y:>	-	-	Y.02	Y
Lemmings			game	Y	-	-	Y.02	N
Leonardo			game	Y	-	-	-	N
Lharc				PDmisc	Y	Y	Y	Y.02	Y
Lhwarp				PDmisc	Y	Y	Y	Y.02	Y
Lords of the Rising Sun		game	Y	-	-	N.02	Y:AK
Lurking Horror			game	-	-	-	-	Y
M1 Tank Platoon			game	Y	-	-	-	Y
MacView				misc	Y	-	-	Y	-
MakeC v1.9			misc	Y	-	-	Y	-
MakeC v2.0			misc	Y:2	-	-	Y	-
Manic Mansion			game	N	-	-	-	Y
Mandel Mountains		PSdraw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Marble Madness			game	N	-	-	N.02	Y  (18)
Matrix Marauders		game	N	-	-	-	N
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing	game	Y	-	-	Y.02	-
MaxiPlan Spreadsheet		spread	Y	-	-	Y	-
Mean 18				game	-	-	-	-	Y
Mechforce 3.71			PDgame	-	-	Y	-	Y
MED				?	Y	-	-	Y	-
Menace				game	N	-	-	N.02	N
MessyDOS			PDmisc	Y	-	-	-	Y
MicroFiche Filer Plus		spread	Y	-	-	Y	-
Might & Magic II		game	Y	-	-	-	Y
Mindwalker			game	Y	Y	Y	Y.02	Y:A
Missile Command			PDgame	-	-	N	-	Y
Monopoly			PDgame	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
MrBackup			misc	Y	-	-	Y	Y
NetHack 3.0 patch 10		PDgame	Y	Y	Y	Y.02	Y:A
Neuromancer			game	Y:BCS	-	-	N.02	Y
Never Mind			game	Y	-	-	Y.02	N
NewTek Demo 1			demo	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
NewTek Demo 3			demo	Y  (14)	-	-	Y.02	Y
NewZap				PDmisc	Y	Y	Y	Y.02	Y
Nuclear War			game	Y	-	-	-	Y:K
Obsess-O-Matic (tetris)		PDgame	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Ogre				game	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Oil Empirium			game	N	N	N	-	Y
Omega				PDgame	-	-	-	-	Y
Pacmania			game	Y:**(7)	-	-	-	N
PageSetter 1.0			word	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
PageSetter II			word	Y	-	-	Y	-
PaperBoy			game	Y	-	-	-	N
Perfect Sound 3.0		misc	Y	-	-	Y	-
Pipe Dream			game	-	-	-	-	Y:A
Pirates				game	Y	-	-	-	Y
PKAZip				PDmisc	Y  (12)	-	-	-	Y
Planet of Lust			game	-	-	-	-	N
Pocoman				game	Y	-	-	-	Y
Populous			game	Y:# (6)	Y (6)	Y (6)	Y.02	Y:#K(6)
Ports of Call			game	Y	Y	-	Y	Y
P.O.W.				game	Y	-	-	N	-
Pro Video Gold			draw	Y	-	-	Y	-
Professional Draw		draw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Project D			misc	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Prospector			game	Y	-	-	Y:S	Y
Prowrite 2.5, 3.0 & 3.1		word	Y	Y	Y	Y.02	Y
Red Storm Rising		game	Y	-	-	-	Y
Rick Dangerous			game	-	-	-	-	N
Rick Dangerous II		game	Y	-	-	-	N
Risk v1.9			game	Y	-	-	Y.02	N
Road Wars			game	N	-	-	N.02	N
Rocket Ranger			game	Y	-	-	N.02	N
Roger Rabbit			game	-	Y	-	-	Y
Rogue				game	-	-	-	-	Y
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms	game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
Scene Generator			draw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Shadow of the Beast		game	N	-	-	N.02	N
Shadow of the Beast II		game	-	-	-	-	N
ShadowGate			game	N	-	-	N	-
Shanghai			game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
Sideshow			game	-	Y	-	-	Y
Sidewinder			game	Y	-	N	Y	Y
SimCity 1.0			game	Y  (15)	-	N	N.02	Y:K
SimCity 1.1			game	Y	-	-	-	-
SimCity 1.2			game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
688 Attack Sub			game	-	-	-	-	Y
SkyChase			game	N	-	-	N	-
Snipit				game	Y	-	-	Y	-
Sonix				misc	Y:#(13)	-	-	Y.02	Y
Space Ace			game	Y	-	-	-	N
Space Harrier			game	Y	-	-	-	N
SpeedBall			game	N	-	-	-	N
Spellbreaker			game	-	-	Y	-	Y
Spy vs. Spy			game	-	-	-	-	Y:A
Star Flight			game	-	-	-	-	Y:A
Star Trek			PDgame	-	-	Y	-	Y:A
StarGlider			game	-	Y	Y	-	N
Stellar Crusade			game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
Strategic Defense Init.(S.D.I.)	game	Y:>	-	-	Y.02	N
Super-Ami Copy II v1.0		misc	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
SuperGridRunner			game	-	-	-	-	Y:# ?
Sword of Aragon			game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
Sword of Sodan			game	Y	-	-	-	N
Targis				game	-	-	-	-	Y
Test Drive			game	N	-	-	N	N
Test Drive II: The Duel		game	Y:*	Y	-	N.02	-
Tetris (Andy Hook)		PDgame	-	Y	Y	-	Y
Their Finest Hour		game	-	-	-	-	Y
Three Stooges			game	N	-	-	-	Y
Tiger Cub (MIDI)		misc	Y	-	-	Y	-
Torch 2081			game	Y	-	-	-	-
Transfer 24			draw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
TutrboMandel			PDdraw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Turbo Silver 3.0a		draw	Y	Y	Y	Y.02	Y
TV Sports BasketBall		game	-	-	-	-	Y
TV Sports Football		game	Y	-	-	N	-
Type Attack			game	Y	-	-	N	-
Ultra Design			draw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Universal Military Simulator	game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
Vegas Gambler			game	Y	-	-	N	-
VideoScape 3D			draw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
VideoTitler			draw	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
VirusX 4.0			PDmisc	Y	-	-	Y	Y
VLT up to 5.x			PDmisc	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
VT100 terminal emulator		PDmisc	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
Waterloo			game	Y	Y	Y	-	Y
Where in the World Carmen Sand	game	-	-	-	-	Y
Wings				game	-	-	-	-	Y
WordPerfect 4.1			word	Y	-	-	Y.02	Y
XCopy III			PDmisc	Y	-	-	Y	Y
Xenon				game	N	-	-	N	-
Zak McKrakin and Alien Mind	game	-	-	-	-	Y
Zany Golf			game	Y	Y	-	-	Y
ZeroVirus III			misc	Y	-	-	Y	Y
Zork Zero			game	Y	-	-	-	Y
Zoo 2.0				PDmisc	Y	-	-	Y	Y


	(1)  Title pages and intro. on A3000 are completely messed up, but
		does not affect game play.
	(2)  Patch ('DMpatch') should be available on BBS's or 'ab20', but only
		works for some versions of the game.
	(3)  Patch can be done with NewZap, just replace all occurances of
		with something you can assign, (like "f18").
	(4)  Patch available on many BBS's and networks will remove code-wheel
	(5)  Sometimes loads, sometimes doesn't.  Once loaded, plays fine.
	(6)  Patch available on BIX.
	(7)  Glitches so bad, it's almost unplayable.
	(8)  Will run on 3000 under 2.0 but not 1.3 (past the cockpit scene).  
		However, pressing ESC to get menus crashes the system.
	(9)  Keyboard is touchy in 2.0.
	(10) Hangs under 2.0 during a fill of a patterned area.
	(11) Dynamic Hi-Res pictures are broken.
	(12) Crashes arbitrarily...
	(13) Need "patchsonix" available on most networks (bix, etc.)
	(14) Dynamic Hi-Res doesn't work on the A3000.
	(15) Doesn't appear to work on 1.3.2 (34.32), but does work if you use
		it's version of workbench (34.20)
	(16) Sounds cause serious delays under 2.02.
	(17) Copying with Project D should make this possible.
	(18) Can be deprotected with Marauder II.

daves@hpdtczb.HP.COM (Dave Scroggins) (03/05/91)

I posted this rather than sent it E-mail because folks might
be able to use it before 4/15/91.

DataTax (Tax Preparation software) works on the A3000.
It can be installed on the Hard Disk, but I didn't do it.

Dave S.