[comp.sys.amiga.applications] Request for help on flakey system!!!

martin@cs.uiuc.edu (RoCCo mArtIn) (03/13/91)

Hello all,

   Well, time for another request...  My 2000HD is doing strange things,
and I'm hoping someone out there has seen/solved this before.  

   To start out with, I had 3Meg of RAM, two floppy drives, and the Rodime
40Meg drive that came with the unit.  Software-wise I had CygnusED 2.11, 
rexxmast 1.15, and fcomp 1.0 running in the background, and all the 
environment set up for use with AmigaTeX.  I also had various other things 
installed: ConMan 1.3, WShell, installbeep, and tapestry.  Everything ran 
fine with this configuration.

   Now, I start to get greedy.  I increase my RAM to 5Meg, and install a
used XT-Bridgeboard with Janus 2.0 software.  By installing the
bridgeboard,  I have to put one of my floppies out of commision until I
can afford an external case.  (This used XT card had its software on
backups, but the versions seem to check out with Janus 2.0)  I add a
Token-Ring card to the IBM side, set up a 10Meg filesystem for the XT,
and set it up for networking under DOS 3.30.  Everything looks great so far...

   Now the problems show up.  I'll just go ahead and list them, and see if
any of you can tell me a fix.

	1) With PCWindow running, CED will let me cut/copy with either the 
	   mouse or the hotkeys, but the insert hotkey doesn't work.  I CAN
	   insert by using the menu item, however.

	2) If I try to start up the bridge board in CGA emulation, my
	   screen goes funny, like it's at the wrong scan rate, and the
	   entire system (both sides) freeze.  This is true no matter what
	   jumper setting I put it on.

	3) Running tex (AmigaTeX) causes a 00000003 guru (68000 trap - 
	   address error) everytime.

	4) Using aread or awrite on a file with the underscore character
	   in its name causes a guru of 87000008.00000001 (DEADEND, 
	   generated by DOS Library, specific cause: Key already free).

	5) Once in a while, the keymap on the amiga side seems to get
	   messed up.  That is, instead of "a", I get ^A, or a special 
	   character.  I've found that by hitting the left ALT key, and
	   sometimes ^Q, things get set back to normal.  Of course, I have
	   no idea why this is.

   Please note:  As of now, I get problem 3 (AmigaTex Software Task Held) 
		 every time, even with a bare-bones startup-sequence, and
		 the bridgecard removed.  I have not tried it with df1: 
		 reinstalled, however.

   So, that's as much information as I know (I think...)  Any ideas?  Also,
does anybody have any utilities for better Amiga/PC communications?  I've 
looked into ATCopy on the fish disks, but wasn't impressed, and I'm TRULY
unimpressed with aread/awrite!  

				Tons of thanks in advance!
					- Rocco

Name:           Rocco Martin                                            |
Internet:       martin@cs.uiuc.edu, or roccom@tahoe.unr.edu           --+--
Witty saying:   You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends,      |
                but you can't wipe off your friends behind the couch... |