[comp.sys.amiga.applications] Plethora of fonts and drivers available via ftp

ddyer@hubcap.clemson.edu (Doug Dyer) (03/16/91)

Ive gathered near a hundred screen fonts (some very huge) for use with 
prowrite, etc.  Using that reduction trick with large fonts, the quality
is outstanding.

Also, many obscure drivers including various HP laser, deskjet enhanced
drivers, postscript drivers,....

There are readme files that give the archive listings of the compiled files
such as "drivers2.lzh".

at hubcap.clemson.edu

"It is recommended that each servicer have a pair of balls for maintaining
 optimum customer satisfaction, and that any customer missing his balls 
 should suspect local personnel of removing these necessary functional
 items. " -- abstract from computer accessory parts catalog (mouse balls)

ddyer@hubcap.clemson.edu (Doug Dyer) (03/18/91)

>at hubcap.clemson.edu

Well, it seems that the files didn't upload well.  I'm having trouble 
getting handshake or JRcomm or VT100 to upload in any format now. Not
even that ever reliable demon KERMIT will work.

Ill rearchive those driver and font files, test all. even run a virus
checker on them again.  

But can someone attemt to explain what could be the problem?  I can 
download in any protocol but zmodem (which hubcap has, but won't
jive with jrcomm)

Ill repost when they are replaced.  

PS. better_dj.lzh is rummored to be ok.

"It is recommended that each servicer have a pair of balls for maintaining
 optimum customer satisfaction, and that any customer missing his balls 
 should suspect local personnel of removing these necessary functional
 items. " -- abstract from computer accessory parts catalog (mouse balls)

sdl@lyra.mitre.org (Steven D. Litvinchouk) (03/18/91)

In article <1991Mar17.204119.13781@hubcap.clemson.edu> ddyer@hubcap.clemson.edu (Doug Dyer) writes:

> Well, it seems that the files didn't upload well.  I'm having trouble 
> getting handshake or JRcomm or VT100 to upload in any format now. Not
> even that ever reliable demon KERMIT will work.
> Ill rearchive those driver and font files, test all. even run a virus
> checker on them again.  

While you're at it, could you possibly put each font in a separate
file, or something?  Having all the fonts in one big file makes it
take unnecessarily long to download, especially since I already have
many of the fonts, and am only interested in particular ones.

Steven Litvintchouk
MITRE Corporation
Burlington Road
Bedford, MA  01730
ARPA:  sdl@mbunix.mitre.org
UUCP:  ...{att,decvax,genrad,necntc,ll-xn,philabs,utzoo}!linus!sdl
	"Where does he get those wonderful toys?"