levin@world.std.com (Levin F Magruder) (04/17/91)
I want to get a program for my A500 that is appropriate for making flash cards. I'll be using these to play study scrabble words. The basic mechanism will be that I'll want to see a bunch of letters in a big font, and be able to click on something to see what word(s) the letters form. Miscellaneous other needs follow. If you can recommend a product that at least does the bare minimum, good. If you know of strengths and weaknesses of products that are relevant to any of the points below, so much the better. Responses by e-mail or posting here, as you deem apropriate. Thanks. The standard way to do order letters among the scrabble elite is in alphabetical order. For example, if you want to memorize "ignores/regions/eringos/signore" your flashcard prompt is EGINORS Preferably, I'd want the program to do this alphabetazation for me. The number of words you study is huge. Although I have a lot of RAM, I'd like to get program the storage limitations of which are disk based. I'd like the program to be able to use the Amiga Talk feature, and have it be enablable/disablable (not real words!)during the session. The other thing you study, besides anagrams of 7 and 8 letter words, is the front and back hooks of 3, 4, and 5 letter words. As in, the word "obe" (a form of sorcery) can take a "r" or "l" before it and an "s" or "y" after it. I'd like to have a program that would make it possible to make a link from the "answer" side of the "card" for "obe" to the "answer" side of "obey," "robe", etc. (Of course, I know what those particular words mean, but about 50% of the words you study are obscure.) At some point, I hope to have scanning software so I don't have to type in all of the word lists. I'd like a program that has at least a primitive ascii import feature.