[comp.sys.amiga.applications] Lattice C++ -- How is it?

parker@cs.wvu.wvnet.edu (James Parker) (05/08/91)

Has anyone had any experience with or heard anything (good/bad) about
the Lattice C++ compiler?

The reason I am asking is that I have been wanting a C++ compiler but I
don't want some bug-ridden, low-featured piece of trash.  The Lattice C++ 
compiler is in AmigaWorld for $99.00 from Creative Computers and $119.00
from some other place.

These prices sound almost too good to be true.  Are they?? Usually you get
what you pay for; is the Lattice compiler junk?  I would not expect to pay
$99.00 for a C++ compiler.

What can people tell me about this compiler?

Thanks a bunch,

 James Parker   (parker@cs.wvu.wvnet.edu)     /* STANDARD DISCLAIMERS */   
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