[comp.sys.amiga.applications] Software for blind Amiga user

ssmith@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov (Stanley C. Smith [BARR]) (05/09/91)

Does anyone know of software that can help a person who is blind
use the Amiga?  We have a user who wishes to do some programming
on the Amiga, but can't find software which allows full utilization
of the system.  The user can hear 350+ words/minute.

I know the Macintosh has a program which enables the user to move
the cursor on the screen with the keyboard cursor keys.  Other
"special" keys allow the user to obtain almost any information needed
about the GUI on the Mac.

We are interested in any type of software whether it is commercial,
shareware, or public domain.  Thanks for any help you can provide.

Also, if this is the wrong group to post this, please inform me
of the proper group.

Stanley C. Smith               ssmith@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov

hb136@leah.albany.edu (Herb Brown) (05/12/91)

In article <1991May9.143713.7764@aio.jsc.nasa.gov> ssmith@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov (Stanley C. Smith [BARR]) writes:
>Does anyone know of software that can help a person who is blind
>use the Amiga?  We have a user who wishes to do some programming
>on the Amiga, but can't find software which allows full utilization
>of the system.  The user can hear 350+ words/minute.
>We are interested in any type of software whether it is commercial,
>shareware, or public domain.  Thanks for any help you can provide.

Contact Bill Hammond   wfh58@leah.albany.edu.
We use Amigas in a Computerized Classroom to teach various levels of
mathematics. Bill had one blind student in the class and was able to
design software to enable that student to do some programming on the Amiga.

>Stanley C. Smith               ssmith@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov


Herb Brown  Math Dept  The Univ at Albany  Albany, NY 12222  (518) 442-4640
hibrown@leah.albany.edu or hibrown@cssun.albany.edu or hibrown@bst.albany.edu