[comp.sys.amiga.applications] Distant Suns 4.0 out soon

keith@actrix.gen.nz (Keith Stewart) (06/08/91)

Just got off the phone to Virtual Realities. (They are sure nice people)
and Distant Suns 4.0 is out. I ordered my upgrade then and there (I had rung them about something else)
No info from about whats in the upgrade I couldn't dally as international tolls
cost an arm aND a leg
Anyone got any specs on it.

PS Kudos to Virtual Realities. They are very good people to deal with. 
PPS Path editor for VistPro due out soon.

mike@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Smithwick) (06/11/91)

In article <1991Jun08.054836.6622@actrix.gen.nz> keith@actrix.gen.nz (Keith Stewart) writes:
>Just got off the phone to Virtual Realities. (They are sure nice people)
>and Distant Suns 4.0 is out. I ordered my upgrade then and there (I had rung them about something else)
>No info from about whats in the upgrade I couldn't dally as international tolls
>cost an arm aND a leg
>Anyone got any specs on it.

Gee, maybe I can help.

Distant Suns 4.0 (which will ship on June 14 if all goes well) contains 
oodles of neat new features. Which include :

   * AREXX

   * hi-res interlaced double-buffered screens

   * the ability to move your eyepoint away from the earth and
     look back at the solar-system

   * support for anim creation

   * support for comets and asteroids 

   * save and restore program configurations

   * completely redone interface

   * expanded stellar databases using up to 255,000 stars.

   * full-screen images, user customizable

   * etc, etc, etc... 
>PS Kudos to Virtual Realities. They are very good people to deal with. 
I think so.

"There is no problem too big that can't be solved with high explosives"-Rush

Mike Smithwick - ames!zorch!mike

koren@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Steve Koren) (06/12/91)

> and Distant Suns 4.0 is out. I ordered my upgrade then and there

I own both Distant Suns (whatever the previous version is) and
Vista Pro.  Both are pretty slick programs, and I can recommend

The only thing I wish is that Vista Pro (also marketed by VRLI)
would let you deal with larger data sets, perhaps by reading the
needed section from a larger file on disk.

  - steve