[comp.sys.amiga.advocacy] How to improve comp.sys.amiga.*

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) (02/10/91)

Know how we could improve the comp.sys.amiga.* groups?  If everybody would
take 10 seconds when they follow up to edit the subject line of their message.

For instance, a few days ago, someone posted an article with the subject
"A3000UX: Born to run SVR4" (or something quite like that).  This was a
reasonable subject for the original article.  100 followups later, and it
has turned into an Amiga vs. NeXT flame-fest & misinformation rally.  And
it still has THE SAME SUBJECT LINE!!!!!  Grrrr.

What's even worse is when two threads develop from a single post, and they
both keep the subject line.  Then one 'k' zaps both threads.  I, for one,
don't have time to read every message on the c.s.a hierarchy, so I like to
use the 'k' and 'n' keys a lot (in rn, in case you hadn't guessed).

Please, please, please: if you are going to take the time to post to the net,
then take the time to make sure the subject line accurately reflects the
contents of your message!

Thank you.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled flame war, already
in progress.
Dave Schaumann      | DANGER: Access hole may tear easily.  Use of the access
		    | holes for lifting or carrying may result in damage to the
dave@cs.arizona.edu | carton and subsequent injury to the user.