koshy@abekrd.co.uk (Koshy Abraham) (02/28/91)
Here's some info I found in the latest issue of "New Computer Express". Issue 121, 2nd March 1991. Used without permission. [START OF ARTICLE] Commodore sold more computers than any other firm in the UK last year, according to figures from leading market research bureau Dataquest. The company, with sles totalling 208,400 units, had a 13 per cent share of the market, over 2 per cent more than its nearest rival IBM which shifted 174,850 units. Commodore's arch rival Atari came fourth with a 7.3 per cent share (117,150 units), losing third place to Compaq which managed to claim a 8.1 per cent bite of the cake (130,000 units). Amstrad, Apple and Acorn came fifth, sixth and eighth repectively, the remaining positions being filled by various PC clone manufacturers. When it comes to individual models the Amiga 500 claimed pole position with a commanding lead. It sold a massive 187,250, almost double that of the runner-up, th Atari 520ST. But it was not all glory for Commodore. Amigas accounted for an incredible 90 per cent of the company's total sales, suggesting that its much heralded drive into the PC market has not been a success. [END OF ARTICLE] Koshy. -- Koshy Abraham UUCP: ...!uunet!mcsun!ukc!pyrltd!abekrd!koshy Abekas Video Systems Ltd. NET: koshy@abekrd.co.uk // 12 Portman Rd, Reading, PHONE: +44 734 585421 // Berkshire. RG3 1EA. FAX: +44 734 597267 \\ // United Kingdom. TELEX: 847579 K\A/b
chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Erik Funkenbusch) (03/06/91)
koshy@abekrd.co.uk (Koshy Abraham) writes: > >Here's some info I found in the latest issue of "New Computer Express". >Issue 121, 2nd March 1991. > >Used without permission. > >[START OF ARTICLE] > >Commodore sold more computers than any other firm in the UK last year, >according to figures from leading market research bureau Dataquest. A friend took his vacation in New Zealand over february, he brought back a general tourists guide to New Zealand type thing. Inside, i found a page describing the computer industry, and it stated that commodore was New Zealands largest supplier of computers. so when people say "Commodore is big in other countries", it's not all hype. commodore *IS* the largest supplier of computers in *MANY* countries. > >Koshy. >-- >Koshy Abraham UUCP: ...!uunet!mcsun!ukc!pyrltd!abekrd!koshy >Abekas Video Systems Ltd. NET: koshy@abekrd.co.uk // >12 Portman Rd, Reading, PHONE: +44 734 585421 // >Berkshire. RG3 1EA. FAX: +44 734 597267 \\ // >United Kingdom. TELEX: 847579 K\A/b UUCP: {amdahl!tcnet, crash}!orbit!pnet51!chucks ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!chucks@nosc.mil INET: chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org