[comp.sys.amiga.advocacy] Byte new product announcements

cunniff@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM (Ross Cunniff) (03/09/91)

Regarding all of the flames surrounding Byte's "refusal" to print Amiga
product announcements:  I feel it is more the fault of the developers
than anything else.  Byte's policy is to publish any and all new product
announcements that are sent to it.  In the latest issue (March), for
example, Taliesin's ProVector is listed in the new product
announcements, along with a color screen shot.  If the developers would
get off their duffs, take some photos, and write up a decent
announcement, Byte would publish it.

Granted, Byte's editorial policy is highly slanted toward PC and Mac
coverage; however, you have to notice where their advertising revenue
comes from.  Until the Amiga makes it enough into the mainstream to put
ads in Byte, it will likely not gather much more editorial support.
This is not to say that magazines say "We just got a $10000 ad contract
from XYZ, make sure to review their product in that issue," rather, they
know what their readership is and try to maximize their circulation (and
therefore ad revenue) accordingly.

				Ross Cunniff
				Hewlett-Packard Colorado Language Lab