ayrjola@vipunen.hut.fi (Ari Yrj|l{) (04/04/91)
In article <8354@crash.cts.com> jackf@pnet01.cts.com (Jack Fitchett) writes: >Stuffit for the mac is real good. Heh. Ever tried Stuffit on MacIIci? I have. Makes you wonder how slow can they go...;-) >I believe it's shareware >and it's opn Genie (I think) It's not quite like powerpoacker >more like zip. Wil that help? After seeing so much good free/pd/whatever software for amiga makes me wonder why almost all mac software (what I've seen) floating around is shareware. Was it $20 for something as sloppy as Stuffit? Sheesh. Fortunately there's Stuffit-compatible program named Compactor (shareware of course ;) which is much quicker, behaves better under multibrainded...erm multifinder etc. Dunno if there's anything like Powerpacker for mac. -- Ari Yrj|l{ Internet: ayrjola@hut.fi / JMT 3B 231b BITNET : LK-AY AT FINHUT / Money talks - 02150 ESPOO UUCP : ..!mcsun!santra!ayrjola / but not to me Finland, Europe VoiceNet: +358-(9)0-468 3088 :/