[comp.sys.amiga.advocacy] 4 megbit zip chips?

kinney@helium.chem.lsa.umich.edu (Kurtis Kinney) (04/15/91)

Organization: University of Michigan

I am somewhat curious about motherboard memory capacity of the A3000.  Do 
4 megabit zip chips exist?  If they don't, are the technically or economically feasible in the near future?  I am under the impression that the A3000 only has address lines for up to 1 megabit zips.  If 4 meg are on the horizon wouldn't it be a good idea to include address lines for them?  The reason 
I ask is that in the near future I and possibly my research group will be 
in the market for a unix machine (A3000UX? + 040) and it would be nice to be able to slap 64 megs into the motherboard without having to use any open slots.  It may seem greedy but for some of our Monte Carlo runs 16 megs is not enough!  I'm just curious and if anybody has thoughts on this I'd like to hear them.  Excluding the following suggestions:
Get a life ==> I can't I'm a graduate student. :-)
Get a Job ==> See above. :-)
Kurtis Kinney
Department of Chemistry, U of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

tomb@hplsla.HP.COM (Tom Bruhns) (04/16/91)

kinney@helium.chem.lsa.umich.edu (Kurtis Kinney) writes:

>  Do 4 megabit zip chips exist?

Yep.  We are using them in an instrument that we just released to
ship; we've been using the chips in production quantities for several
months now.