[comp.sys.amiga.advocacy] The WHAT Fish? <was Re: New baseline Amiga?}

jgay@digi.lonestar.org (john gay) (04/24/91)

From article <1991Apr23.225115.27882@nevada.edu}, by niobium@nevada.edu (Christopher W. Carlson):
} Oh my, oh my...  I promised myself I'd never get into the `Let's all flame
} Marc Barrett' frame of mind, but this just had to be said:
} In article <1991Apr23.115648.3059@news.iastate.edu> xgr39@isuvax.iastate.edu writes:
}>  -------------------------------------------------------------
}> / Marc Barrett  -MB- | BITNET:   XGR39@ISUVAX.BITNET        /   
}>/  ISU COM S Student  | Internet: XGR39@CCVAX.IASTATE.EDU   /      
}>\ Wanted for foreign language courses at Iowa State: One    \
}> \ Babble Fish.  Willing to pay Top Dollar.  If you have one \
}     ^^^^^^
} Uh, Marc, ol' buddy, ol' pal, I'm afraid what you're looking for here is a
} BABEL fish, as in the Tower of Babel?  You know, the one that God struck down
} and then, as a punishment, scattered the people far and wide and made them all
} speak different languages?

To bad you never read The Hitcher's Guide to the Galaxy.

Kinda makes it all makes sense.

john gay.

cr1@shark.cis.ufl.edu (Anubis) (04/25/91)

In article <1991Apr24.162450.3474@digi.lonestar.org> jgay@digi.lonestar.org (john gay) writes:
>From article <1991Apr23.225115.27882@nevada.edu}, by niobium@nevada.edu (Christopher W. Carlson):
>} Oh my, oh my...  I promised myself I'd never get into the `Let's all flame
>} Marc Barrett' frame of mind, but this just had to be said:

Is the entire netland filled with lunatics?  Come on people, if this
Marc Barrett guy was to pick his nose wrong, twenty of you would jump
up and critisize him for that and for sixteen other things.  How about
canning all the Marc Barrett nonsense for a change.